
It's not his fault; his mother was a slave. 400 years of oppression made him that way.

Darth Vader's wife was Jewish.

Darth Vader only wanted what was best for his people, to defeat the terrorists.

When is HBO going to cancel "Girls"?

What does it matter, I thought race was a made up social construct.

She does look like she's almost 50. That picture is 13 years old.

Is there anything that they aren't outraged about?

How does it feel having a man's hand up your butt all day?

This is Robin William's last movie.

Try the veal, I’ll be here all week.

You'd think they would have learned by now not to trust a paleface.

At least there's a spare one.

It's Adam Sandler; what did they expect? A documentary?

Bob will suck a dick for some coke.

It's okay to be a bigot against a White Anglo; it's in the Constitution.

You've had a hard day; you deserve a nice facial.

You would like to see that, wouldn't you?

If her family didn't own the Giants, she'd be waiting tables now.

Katie Rife, you know you love me.

KONY 2012