Evil Nick

Why are you responding to a post about a boss who's awful in part due to his sexist practices with, well, a sexist diatribe about how his wife must be not sexing him or 'crazy', as if women are some kind of prize that are earned by how good a guy you are, or that a guy's worth or mental stability is determined by the

No I talk like this in person most of the time as well

Are you a SINGLE twin sister?

But then you just take all those people with you since your all unhappy

If hes your boss and you need a job then yea you will be scared. NOT to mention most apps people are probably the same size as him. Most of the woman are bigger.

ah, i tried from a different computer. Im at work and our production network blocks a lot of stuff.

Him and Denis Dyack so far I have read are awful bosses who mismanage money, time and have no idea how to run a company. They are also notorious (allegedly) anti woman.

both next gen systems seem like utter shit to me.

whoever buys a system pre one year mark is asking for an issue. I wait 2 years at times.

ants are just fucking amazing

glad or "infuriated"?

"Given that developers ignore the PC platform, about any loss of profit for them is not out of the question. After all, if they wanted to earn money, then the game would be issued on all available platforms."

and recently I have referred to Kotaku as BONER central

BUT did either of them stop an alien invasion?!

what are the peripherals like wearing these. all the videos Ive seen it seems like looking at the world through tin cans with horse blinder.

"This leads to two critically important philosophies that will save you a lot of dissatisfaction down the road: Don’t Seek Glory and Manage Your Expectations."

Wow something other than an endless runner, tower defense, or strat game for the mobile platform..... whats that you say? PC?

you selfish selfish man

"get over here" isnt all you need?