Evil Nick

this is all that first pic makes me think of

cats are of the devil. They have no emotion, every one of history's most evil people from Hitler to Dr claw was a cat lover. If you're not a dog lover than you should be shot on sight!

I <3 u

A thumbs up pic would have been uplifting :(

WHY THE FUCK do we get a 3 paragraph article on something interesting and valid like COS; like just when it's getting good it's done ,YET there are fucking articles on "beats by dre" and "chicks who play video games" that run for fucking days?

dont move there

I honestly think if you live in a state and the laws change so drastically beyond what you have been used to for an extended period then the state should have to pay for your relocation.

schtick right?

I was the only white kid for the most part growing up. Most people ignore this part of racism and how ignorant black parents still teach their black kids white guys are evil and they are still slaves to us.

well at least hollywood was good for for something, thank god they ended up correcting the demo though and sticking the black guys with the fat white girls in the end lol.

I know those who read my awful comments here wont beleive me but I almost got into a huge fight with some white drunk fratty guys in Epcot about 3 years ago during their beer fest. We were in Epcot china and they were being just awful to this poor asian girl working a booth (they were drunk) and she was handling well

well you dont just guzzle it down lol, I sip it.

I was just fucking around

are you talking about the new xbox cause they both seem to be made by the same spec manufacturer then?

I own it, was sorely disappointed.

lack of story is what makes monster hunter great. Theres no long driven quest to find your memories or save a damsel or stop a world destroying power, you kill things because your a drunk who hangs in a tavern and plays with pigs (always wondered if there was some hidden innuendo there) and its your job!

"Tecmo Koei version of Monster Hunter"

cmon you didnt love playing as Kratos Potatos?

nah, I dont think anyone will run out to get a vits just for this game.

why does the second to last one look like its puckering? He may want to get that checked