I really hope this season keeps ground and ends high. The first season though fun started turning into a Nip Tuck style mess at the end.
I really hope this season keeps ground and ends high. The first season though fun started turning into a Nip Tuck style mess at the end.
What about used disposable diapers and beavers? What about the BEAVERS!?
Bane was the reason he came out of retirement. Going back in was the fact he was broke as shit. Or they could have just not made him fully retire and get his business back up.
Cat woman was unneeded in TDKR. Not that Anne in skin tight leather is ever bad but I just couldnt get into why she was even there.
so If a hobo lived in the car the entire time does that give him rights to eminent domain?
does anyone care about hearthfire? unless my adopted kids could be harvested for underground organ sales they should honestly just concentrate on dawngaurd.
But if a guy walked into a sorority house I doubt they would treat him as equal either. They would get frustrated by the lack of knowledge in their interests, annoyed at his wanting to be there with them and deliberately roll their eyes and huff at his interjections. Your taking a predominantly male population and…
no longer a 10 but what if they went from a 9 to a 2 just out of shear laziness and lack of self regard? things would sound different then wouldn't they? Why judge him? We're you so hung up and co dependent that you needed him in your life? You say "well good luck to you suh" and find someone else. Or be alone a…
yeah thats kind of like saying ghetto pit-bull maulings are a disease.
are you agreeing or disappointed?
thats god honest talent right there
wheres the fun in that?
I think it makes sense as well.
Heres a great commons sense solution... go make your own damn games. Make all the players short hair female pant suit wearing, briefcase wielding whatever you wants and see how well that sells. Oh it wont? Well then shut your trap and make me a sandwich!
but now? even now still over 1000 cases a year?????? AHHHHHHHHHHH!
wouldnt it have made sense to not use jackman then?
just dont wet it
whats wrong with boiling yoru water before you drink it people AHHHHHHH!
thats it we'll make our own GB movie... and itll be better...... no Murrays allowed we'll show them