
I don't know if just shooting every bad guy you see in the face with a shotgun can really be considered a "plan."

It reminds of of an article I read criticizing Donna Tartt's The Goldfinch, a book about wealthy white people from Manhattan's Upper East Side involved in art theft and antique furniture forgery, for not having enough minorities in it.

It was the 80s so he could've been some sort of intergalactic break dance fighting bounty hunter.

I'd just like to proudly state that I saw Street Fighter in the theater, at full price, and did so unironically.

More likely:

No, it means she can't bring a civil suit against the production company for monetary damages. She is free to go to the police and press criminal charges against the male or the production company. A contract allowing one party to commit a crime against another party is void due it being contrary to public policy.

To be fair they're only cousins and scientists posit that the overwhelming majority of marriages in human history have almost certainly been between cousins. It's only been in the last couple hundred years that people have had the luxury of choosing not to fuck their cousins.

I also seem to recall an In Living Color sketch of Herman's Unstable Head where he was Travis Bickle like and about to shoot up his office.

Fine take this Christopher Plummer one about Starcrash then, "[G]ive me Rome any day. I'll do porno in Rome, as long as I can get to Rome. Getting to Rome was the greatest thing that happened in that for me. I think it was only about three days in Rome on that one. It was all shot at once."

They know about it, but prefer to apply it only to casting minorities.

Things balanced out by having a young, liberal, hot Spanish professor in college who showed a bunch of Almodovar films in class and who also was in the screening for a Japanese samurai sword wielding punk band battling zombies movie I attended.

Yep, mid 90s US. In retrospect, considering the other things she liked to espouse, I'm pretty sure she was one of those people who would follow any anti-abortion politician no matter how monstrous they were in every other area.

My high school Spanish teacher was always rambling on about how immoral Spain had become since Franco had died. As it was a Catholic school it wasn't until years later that I realized what a monstrous view she was actually espousing.

But without that Hozier song we wouldn't have Weird Al's masterpiece about the Addams Family, "Take Me to Lurch."

You don't have to remind me. I'm less than a 100 miles from the truly abominable Kids for Cash Scandal where two judges were essentially selling juveniles with mild infractions to a for profit prison.

Most prosecutors will say that any case relying wholly on circumstantial and/or testimonial evidence (no matter how strong) is a crapshoot, hence, something like 90% of convictions being plea deals at this point. I know there's also a lot of complaints that jurors have been conditioned to expect there to always be

"To call the results surprising would be a bit of an understatement…"

Wallace is frustrating because when he wants to he can effectively and effortlessly tear apart a bullshitter in an interview and demonstrate them to be a completely untrustworthy person whose every statement should be taken with a grain of salt, however, 90% of the time he softballs or just goes along with

Penguins have personalities all right, the personalities of depraved sodomizing necrophiliac rapists. Fuck them.

There was a expose on Real Sports a few years ago outraged that old race horses were being sold to Mexico and Italy for butchering and I was outraged about how completely stupid and nonsensical the outrage about eating horses was. I'm sure the vast majority of the production staff eats pig, an animal several orders of