
Well that's one person who apparently has faith in Ernie from Kinja to be able to do his job.

Well that's one person who apparently has faith in Ernie from Kinja to be able to do his job.

Clearly that man has never resisted making a sandwich in his life.

Clearly that man has never resisted making a sandwich in his life.

That's actually just Ernie from Kinja he's already made sure UI Designer will not be in the grays in Kinja.

I still have dreams of her Dr. Strange character oiling up her bald head and rubbing it all over my naked body.

He was so good in it that I really believed he was a complete moron with a bad coke habit in real life.

Ron Howard Narrator Voice Over: What the studio execs didn't know was that Howard was on a coke jag for most of the production and the second assistant director had actually done all the work.

I'm sure Ron Howard has given his solemn vow to deliver a final product as memorable as a not-quite-microwaved-all-the-way bowl of plain oatmeal.

He does have all those extra holes in his chest to explore.

I read that first sentence as "with some pegging in it at 90 minutes," and thought that would be an odd romance for the show.

Elmo plays a red priest in the skit and tries to seduce Harrington with his full frontal nudity.

Then they'd have hire someone with people skills. I liked their more honest response to earlier uproars of "You commenters are 0.0001% of traffic so may be, you go, uh, fuck yourselves?"

You must've missed all the articles yesterday. That first sentence should read, "As a turtle biologist, Buffy season 4
implies Joss Whedon is not a feminist and possibly a sexual predator…"

Don't fool yourself. If a Shai Hulud ever got the chance he'd eat you and everyone you loved.

We might as well. I can only imagine global warming will wipe them out in the next few decade so we might as well eat the depraved little fuckers.

That's fine. He looks like more of a "I can crush a man's skull with my bare hands" type of guy anyway.

Batman's a scientist.

Because Christie's preferred method of catching prey is to play dead in a Pine Barrens lake with his mouth open and tongue lolling out until the unfortunate bird, fish, amphibian, etc is attracted by his carrion-esqué body odor and gets within range of his bolt cutter like jaws. No way is Jason gonna fall for that.

Plus one of WB's biggest investors is a production company partially owned by the Koch brothers so in a very tangible way WW's success is helping to fund Republican efforts to strip women of healthcare and abortion rights.