I called them chicken knuckleru and they were indeed incredibly delicious though I've had a hard time convincing anyone outside of Japan.
I called them chicken knuckleru and they were indeed incredibly delicious though I've had a hard time convincing anyone outside of Japan.
False. Gentle Herpes in real life is actually an artisanal indigo snail urine dye craftsman in Portland.
Because they're both such meticulous, pendantic people they want to make sure the wording and facts are absolutely perfect before issuing their scathing exposes.
Which just makes him look like even more of a jackass since the beach he's on is in Nova Scotia.
Bad bean burrito this time and he spends half the movie on the shitter.
I'd like to see the Price is Right double down on this and bring back all their original models from the 70s.
Can't wait to see where Magneto has moved to now, started a new family, and how they will die horribly in front of him this time. I'm guessing the Outer Hebrides and they'll be trampled to death in a sheep stampede that he can't stop because sheep aren't made of metal.
[vomits in horror]
He looks more Iike he's angling to play a young John Turturro in that header shot.
The Sword of Doom is also an excellent film that seems to have inspired Tarantino. The last scene is a massive fight in a brothel where the main character kills dozens of assassins who keep pouring out from behind shoji screens.
As a defense attorney (civil) you always want a larger jury (you can have as few as 8 in PA) and long deliberation times are almost always good for the defense.
Bingo, this guy clearly doesn't have kids and is not subjected to the same shows and movies dozens of times. Without creating their own theories parents would go mad. My current favorite theory is that in the very similar to Cars, Blaze and the Monster Machines, the few humans are kept around as slaves or pets for the…
There's free publicity to be had! The other cast members will be releasing statements just as soon as their agents get some juicy interviews lined up.
I'm not sure someone who has been on multiple reality shows and has their own publicist who goes on a show whose premise is watch "people get incredibly drunk and hook up with a different stranger each week" can be said to have been coerced. If the allegations are true the man and production should be prosecuted to…
Should be loads of fun, joy!
Translation: Wah! We wanted liberals, gays, blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, socialists, atheists, and uppity women gunned down in the streets, not rich white men!
Finally a practical use for it!
This is a false flag too! Paul Ryan already disguised himself as a sexy, sexy female nurse and smuggled Scalise out of the hospital.
He was about to but the shooter moved on when Rand gave him a big smile and thumbs up.
Emma Stone is the one we make this joke about.