
Leonard the Rapist: Trial Part 6

She bulldozed the previous occupant of the no. 1 spot at the box office and now looks like she's planning to permanently continue with her occupation of the spot.

And conveniently I'll be in Bogota, Columbia arranging a massive cocaine deal on 10/7 so I can go!

Aaron Hernandez's corpse dragged around the event Weekend at Bernie's style?

The key to any good hug is the loving carress of an ass cheek followed by a firm yet gentle squeeze.

Hands off Jerry! DON'T TOUCH JERRY!

Fun fact: David Bowie also wrote and sang the theme song for Fraggle Rock and it's his best piece.

That throne would be perfect in Universal's gritty new Blacula reboot.

Ahh…Baby, the children's movie with the casually dropped line "whip the bitch" about what one character would do to another character's wife.

Because Tarquin Fin-tim-lin-bin-whin-bim-lim-bus- stop-F'tang-F'tang-Olé-Biscuitbarrel was easily the least talented member of the Wu Tang Clan.

After actually reading the letter I'll revise my opinion and say it cost Trump nothing because I'm pretty sure his lawyer had absolutely nothing to do with this letter and that Trump dictated it to some flunky and immediately put it out. I would not be surprised if the firm representing him drops him very, very

Oh I'm sure Kasowitz Benson Torres will be in litigation with the Estate of Donald Trump for years trying to get the fees they're owed.

To be fair we're getting these articles free, whereas I'm going to estimate that letter from a large national white collar law firm probably cost Trump upwards of $15k.

Seems like it works for Terence Malick.

He also not eating mass produced slop from Sysco Systems and telling you it's authentic, expensive foreign food.

His next post will just be lengthy excerpts of Oliver North congressional testimony, apparently selected at random.

It was more like being charged $80 to watch a Uwe Boll movie and deciding it was such a waste of time and money that everything else by him deserves to be on a blacklist.

Thankfully the first and only Disney park I've ever been to was Epcot which ensured that I would never waste a fucking dime on one of their parks again.

Leonard Pierce is Trump's lawyer?

Of course sociopathic dick Cotton ends his questioning with, "And isn't it true that you were a total pussy in 2004 when you fought against legalizing torture?"