
At least in 1984 before being completely psychologically crushed individuals would know who were responsible. The Stasi seemed even more sadistic because they would covertly psychologically abuse people so that they thought they were going insane and never received any affirmation that the horrible, unexplained things

Even more depressing is that multiple former high ranking Stasi officers are now extremely wealthy energy executives with extensive ties to, you guessed it, the Russian gas industry and Putin government. A group of them in fact run the German subsidiary of Gazprom.

I hope they mirror her development of being really devastated about the first person she kills to not giving a shit about the next 300.

All of the Dark Souls games basically.

They've made my Sunday afternoon trips to the grocery store a lot more enjoyable.

Lucky man.

The skunk stripe in her hair always led me to believe she'd be really freaky in bed too for some reason.

The Salkinds cancelled it after finding out there was a $5 per person entry fee to get on the observation deck and they were damned if they were going to pay that for the cast and film crew.

I hope American cities finally pull their collective heads out of their asses and whenever pro sports teams start threatening them about tax breaks and public funding for stadiums cities start playing hardball and taxing the shit out of them, ratcheting up police and emergency presence fees for games to astronomical

They were going to have Paul Walker as the driver in this reboot, but since that plan crashed and burned, they have Caitlin Jenner lined up.

That's strikingly similar to how co-pays would've worked in the GOP health care plan.

Only if Hank Azaria's Venom voice is the same as his Frank "Grimey" Grimes voice.

Weyerbacher's whole line is pretty good, and Blithering Idiot was my first introduction to barley wine as well. I drank it a lot in my younger, more formative years, where at lot of time at the bar was spent over the beer menu determining the best ABV to to rating to price point value.

There actually was a Jethro Tull who was an 18th century British agriculturalists who created several more modern pieces of farming equipment.

Well the ones I look into are making quite a lot of money usually just in small increments. But you'd be surprised how many doctors are out there with disciplinary action that prevents then from being hired at a legitimate office so they agree to work for a pill or personal injury mill who pretty much only need them

I see someone's not a fan of The Lawnmower Man.

I don't know what going on in that header shot, but I sure hope it's him challenging that terminally ill woman to a slam dunk contest.

He has a debilitating $5000 a day Faberge egg addiction. Cracking open one of those babies is the only thing that gets him straight in the morning.

Typical Chinese IP thieves. From what I recall that was the exact plot of The Lawnmower Man with Jeff Fahey.

As a lawyer specializing in insurance fraud and occasionally going after pill mills I can say there's a very specific subset of doctors that are in fact taking cash for thier services.