I recommend people buy Eclipse, it's a great space board game and $1.32 cheaper.
I recommend people buy Eclipse, it's a great space board game and $1.32 cheaper.
Can you edit your comment to include a firstie reference? I have a joke about feline cancer AIDs I want to make.
It was nothing but John Malkoviches for light years in every direction.
Sure, maybe. One time on acid I could see around corners and into the center of the universe if I tried really hard. Another time it gave me snake eyes though. In conclusion, let's all go drop some acid.
I was led to believe that hackers looked like Chris Hemsworth but with glasses.
These films make me want to vomit in terror.
That's what I kept thinking while watching it. I'd actually love the Wachowskis to do a Dune reboot. I'm sure it would a David Lynch level boondoggle, but would definitely have the chance to be amongst the pantheon of glorious mess films.
And instead of slow motion "bullet time" it could have slow motion "semen time."
Yes, it's definitely better than say the MCU approach where every movie seems to have had every single scene and line of dialogue vetted through multiple layers of corporate bureaucracy before getting approval to be included.
I agree with both of you. Both of those films are glorious messes that I still really liked. The key is that at least they feel as though they were created by people who were really invested in the films and loved what they were doing even if they didn't quite think everything through.
Damn. Yours is much better.
As someone that admittedly has no skills in the field, I'm impressed. Best of luck with it!
What's it about?
Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky at morning, sailor's take warning. Zack Snyder directing, sailor's find disappointing.
He means he wants a more zaftig Wonder Woman.
Robert Maitland, Architect only watches pornography tubes. Got it.
Actually the animals commit suicide rather than seem to endorse their evolutionary inferior.
I did and it's confirmed: straight white males with multiple advanced degrees in white collar jobs are the most persecuted minority in the world. I can't even refer to a woman as a broad a outside of a Mad Men themed dinner party!
So we can expect to see Mayer constantly wearing a baseball cap turned backward during his comeback?
"John Mayer is back, swears he’s flappy now"