
From what I remember from my childhood virtually any game (board, sport, or video) us neighborhood kids played ended in physical violence.

Depends on how badly you want to punish the person that forced you to flip the game board over.

I've always found the Superman movies pretty insufferable other than the second one which is redeemed by multiple scenes of Superman/Kent getting his goody two shoes ass kicked. 3 and 4 basically should just have, "This film was created to retain the intellectual property rights to this character," flashing at the

That's that new app specializing in circumcised dick selfies, right?

You're right. It's worth hundred of billions! Buy! Buy! Sell! Corner the frozen OJ market!

Well if it's as secure as the photos stored in the Apple cloud this should be a gold mine for troll hackers looking to steal celebrity nude pics.

It's confusing because these stories have nothing or almost nothing about content of the legal pleadings in the case or the details of the contract. All of the articles linked to just go into emails and texts and innuendos and have virtually nothing to do with what the basis of the judge's findings are or even the

Did she try telling the judge, "I sentence you to kiss my ass!"

I couldn't tell because my carry over from ME2 was already a hideous monster. He was completely bald, short and spindly, dead catfish belly skin tone, and of course a jet black porn 'stache. He actually looked a lot like the Reaper vampires from Blade II, but, you know, with a mustache.

From what I recall the Krogans lay thousands of eggs that need to be fertilized, so that would be one freaky sex scene.

This was going to be my comment but really you can go to virtual any supermarket. There is absolutely no reason to roast your own chicken other than to be able to say, "I roasted this myself."

Crossing my fingers the next crazy celebrity belief is that eating a bunch of rat poison takes you to a magical Narnia-esque fantasyland.

Or the sort of thing that inexplicably costs $130 million to make, $50 million to market, just covers its costs at the box office, and is considered a massive failure.

Especially if they went with the Metal Gear old Snake angle of him being a bitter, still bad ass warlord.

Yeah, but when they spend $200 million building their own football stadium instead of using the Linc that degree is going to be totally worth it.

Mathworks, makers of Matlab and Simulink for technical computing software.

They could've won it back if The Count hadn't killed those strippers in the champagne room at the Crazy Horse III so that they had to flee the state.

Is it about his rehabilitation from surgery after he was badly injured in your friend's burning house?

I'd love to help fund it but I only have a dollar on me and I already promised it to the homeless guy holding a 3/4 empty pint bottle of Christian Bros Brandy outside of my building who needs it to buy a meal.

Like pre-apocalypse Alexandria, VA, still the Mexicans.