So they're different from the malevolent space lizards currently running thing?
So they're different from the malevolent space lizards currently running thing?
There's a very specific reason the Trump Youth will be goose-stepping.
I wish they'd do it with some of their other older games. I'm playing through Fallout: New Vegas and while it's great, it kinda does look pretty shitty at this point.
I'm happy with it, though I understand that its quality is heavily reliant on how good the internet connection in your locale is. Even if I was only "meh" on it as you seem to be, I can't ever imagine that I would be willing to pay 4x as much for Comcast ever again.
"EMG gained a massive amount of weight, and it was a real problem. He was disgusting. I called him Miss Piggy."
~Uncle Pennybags, Owner of the Monopoly Beauty Pageant
My SlingTV subscription doesn't seem to be going up at all.
That's why you always order your 30-day dry aged New York strip well done.
The last tweet's a little fucking ridiculous and practically offensive in and of itself. "All award season Brie Larson, who starred in a movie about sexual assault, had to present Casey Affleck all his awards." So I guess Liam Neeson's practically a holocaust survivor because of Schindler's List? I'm sure people who…
At the kosher butcher:
Price Waterhouse is laying off 10% of their employees, even though profits are up, as part of restructuring, so fuck them, I hope this really hurt them. They can't even stuff envelopes correctly, you want them handling your company's taxes?
I think it was more likely, "If you are looking for an original idea I can tell you I don't have one, but what I do have are a very particular set of tired genre and procedural tropes. Tropes I have acquired over a very long career of producing forgettable garbage. Tropes that make me a nightmare for people like TV…
Not to be outdone CBS has announced it's turning the Liam Neeson sky marshal movie Non-stop into a TV series. At the press anouncement the PR flak stated, "The great thing about this is we can do most of the filming in the same airplane sets episode after episode so it'll be really cheap to make."
I think a lot of them weren't actually his dad's cronies. From what I recall HW warned his son away from Cheney and Rumsfeld and thought they were power-hungry incompetents.
To be fair you already saw most of what the game had to offer. I beat it, but for the last half I was continually questioning why I continued to play it when I hadn't done anything new in 15 hours.
Yeah, it wasn't very far into the game where I could just walk into any orc stronghold, slaughter 40-50 of them and the rest would just run away in terror. One thing to do that was fun was to see how many orc officers you could slaughter in a row without any being replaced. I think at one point I had about 80% of…
Wikipedia lists about 20 films for him, including one of the voices in last year's version of the Jungle Book.
Considering they left out Joan Rivers and Gary Shandling it seems like whoever was putting it together was just an idiot, apparently without access to Google.
Unfortunately, the Avatar soda tie-in product placement was with RC Cola.
I've only been to Epcot and thought it was horrible. It seemed made solely for people who know nothing about and who have no real interest the rest of world other than the most broad stereotypes. The fact that there is virtually nothing to actually do in the park made it that much worse. As someone I was with pithily…
Sir, can you hear me? Bizarrely altered sense of taste is a prime symptom of a stroke. You also seem to have aphasia as the words you're typing don't make any sense. We're going to lay you down on the floor and an ambulance will be here shortly. Don't, worry, you're going to be okay.