
Keeping Rain Wilson off the set? I can do that. When do I get my gun?

Brian Dennehey's still alive so they don't really need you. Maybe you could be his stand-in?

Ha! I'm 6'5"! Enjoy rotting in these comments section while I rake it in doing whatever this about as I didn't bother to read article.

Fake news! How could a writer for The Awl afford a $1200 couch!? Paid protester!

It's stupid because civilization, science, and art advances through cultural appropriation and societal conflict, usually with greater advancement with greater conflict. It is, in many cases, extremely harmful to one side of the equation obviously, but that doesn't mean it didn't get us to where we are today. History

Cyclops: Being Cyclopean

From what I've heard out of her mouth I find it extremely unlikely that she could pass a Turing test, hence, I don't think she ever had a soul to begin with.

Yeah, but during the election last year it came out that the dog was a virulent anti-Semite and Trump supporter.

Coffee shops are considered blue collar now? I guess that's why the place I go to is exclusively staffed by burly, surly men in hard hats and, quite frankly, pretty unsanitary for food prep looking Carrhart clothes.

Clearly the H is ideal for a hanging, plus if he did it towards the left or right there would have been more than enough room for Stone to join him. Ever since Dancer in the Dark I've demanded that all musicals end with the protagonist being hanged.

Made to reflect the "the peak of your civilization." Well this would certainly explain why even now, the majority of Yahoo article comments are made up of extremist right wing trolling points and (still) racist comments about the Obamas.

In grad school one of the classes I took was on "Walking and Mapping the Victorian City, " which was quite interesting. The best materials we read were early Salvation Army tracts, whose original mission was convincing prostitutes, drunks, ex-convicts, and the poor in general to accept a one-way ticket to Australia

He's completely sane! After the video fades to black at the end he even pops back up to explicitly state, "I am not a crackpot."

If you look carefully you can see that on the shelf behind her she has scavenged the complete works of Nicholas Sparks to preserve them for posterity.

That would've been great but only if his head was still demolished and he communicated through gurgling and choking out of his neck hole, which all of the garbage pail kids could understand with no issue whatsoever.

Never been to China but I lived in Japan and there was a definite startling amount of casual racism directed towards other Asian countries to the level of throw away racist asides about Koreans in random news stories even in the newspaper catering towards English speaking westerners.

I find that if you just keep clicking "random article" you'll constantly get articles about train stations or stops in the middle of nowhere from around the world. By my unscientific sampling I would estimate at least 10% of Wikipedia's 5 million articles are about train stations.

Stop! Stop! His interest is already DEAD!

I think our mayor's response sums up the situation perfectly, "He ran for president for one hot-mess minute and then when that was over he was moon-dogging Trump thinking he was going to get a big job. Now I think he’s just bitter and has got nowhere to go. Who’s going to hire him?"

You left out the best part of the story where Trump refused to let Christie have any silverware and made him eat with his hands, while constantly making comments to the other guests at the table, "He's the best trained piggy. Everyone says so. You ever see a pig eat with his hooves? No. Well I taught this piggy to."