“It’s faster and more accurate to do it myself than to tell someone else over and over again what to do.”
“It’s faster and more accurate to do it myself than to tell someone else over and over again what to do.”
I think that’s what I like best about this iteration of battle royale. Unlike PUBG, where I’d spend a boring 10 minutes running across the map looting occasionally, I’m usually in the action pretty quick in Apex. There are quite a few viable weapon choices, so it’s not too hard to get a decent loadout in the first few…
Just global mute voice chat, the pinging system in the game is robust enough that you don’t need it.
I’m also going to play more Apex Legends. I tell myself I like battle royales because I can play just a few rounds and then do other things, but in reality I end up playing for huge stretches at a time anyway.
I read the article, but it was watching the video where Matilda explains everything that really got me down. She seems really grateful to her fans and for the opportunities she’s had, and like a really positive person, and it’s depressing that she has to put up with random toxic shitheads. Hearing it in her own words…
This list is my life for the last week and a half.
Teenage Me: “Why, yes, I was born in 1922.”
Ha, yeah, that was such a cop-out answer. Yes, we have tried aiming, and it still sucks.
It’s more of a quick scope thing for me, I aim down sights just to fire the shot. I’m playing on console though. The dev commentary here seems to indicate that it helps with bullet spread, but what really helps me is the slight auto-aim snap you get on the consoles by aiming down the sights.
Wow, got ‘em! Nice zinger.
Aside from the leaving matches as soon as they die, those just sound like strategic decisions you don’t agree with. Killing downed players in particular is something that’s warranted depending on the situation. If I’m in a big firefight, a lot of times I don’t want a guy I just downed crawling back to his teammates…
What system are you playing on? Everyone still seems pretty chill on Xbox, from what I can tell.
Agreed. I’ve had maybe one or two toxic interactions in 30 or 40 games I’ve played. They’ve done something really great with Apex to foster that kind of cooperation and forgiving environment - I think you might be on to something with the lowered expectations, with only one team winning out of 20.
That’s what I thought. Only the legendary sniper and shotgun were restricted to care packages.
Executions in response to corporate layoffs?
If they put Geralt in it, I will play it.
To be fair, “Stop Buying Canned, Chopped Tomatoes” is a pretty aggressive headline, which makes people defensive immediately. My Chrome tab name indicates that “How to Chop Whole Canned Tomatoes” was the original headline, but I guess that didn’t have enough click-bait.
I don’t think the goal of Mario Party is to unlock and achieve things. It’s a party game. You get people together and beat each other over the head in silly minigames.
It’s weird that people comment on the natural tone of any broadcaster’s voice, rather than the quality of their game commentary.
“All vanity items in the demo cost 25 coin”