
You just have to embrace the shame. After braving the gauntlet of strange looks from people in my apartment complex while I lugged my giant 5,000 pound chair-box back to my pad from the office, and wheezing and sweating my way through the assembly process, my DXRacer has been great. It’s tucked away safely at my desk,

It’s always a delight to watch interviews with Manson. He’s a really intelligent, calm, and well-articulated guy. It’s so at odds with his on-stage persona.

I’ve had this experience with Halo. I used to be super competitive with 2/3, and really fell off with the last few as I’ve gotten older. I had chalked it up to my reflexes and hand-eye coordination getting worse, but lately I’ve made a concerted effort to try to get good at Halo 5 again.

Much like guac and chips, where the chips are simply the delivery method to get the guac into my mouth

Yeah, I totally get the Analysis Paralysis problem. I think in my case it’s more that I don’t mind being on a game treadmill (progression system) if I’m enjoying it, but if I start thinking too hard those progression systems and the carrot on a stick, my own mortality starts to sink in and I stop “wasting” my time on

I feel like I have the opposite problem, sometimes. If I start over-analyzing why I enjoy something, I end up not enjoying it as much. Of course it helps to have a general idea of what you like to make smart purchases, but I try to avoid getting into the nuts and bolts too much.

So, is the ladder that Charles crashes into the same one that the bucket of paint fell off of, or is this a new ladder?

Also “Get Stuck in Doorways Simulator”.

I try to get my nerdy merch from online shops, but it never fits! The sleeves are too short and the waist always billows out like a tutu. Most of the cheap material they use shrinks five sizes the first time you wash it too.

Nathan, this is the hard-hitting journalism we need around here.

On the bright side, 343i has confirmed that future Halo titles will have split screen.

When I met Lu Bu for the first time in Dynasty Warriors 9 during the Battle of Hulao Pass I ignored my comrades and tried my luck. Thirty seconds later I watched him disappear from the battlefield and collected the meager loot he left behind.

I think your sense of humor might be broken. So, I’ll ask the same thing I asked him: why even mention the knives and swords?

I’ll tune into Forsen occasionally, it’s how I’m familiar with his stream. I’m sure there are good people that regularly watch him. His community just happens to have disproportionately more scummy people than many others.

Yep! Giants of History has a good series on Cleopatra that is still ongoing, it’s cut up into half hour chunks and is a pretty good starting point.

This is an amazing idea. Part of why I liked AC:O so much was that I listened to some historical podcasts on Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, and the history of the region to get some background before I dug into the game. AC:O is set in such a rich and fascinating time and place, and framing a game like this in the proper

I am so ridiculously hyped to play this game with a group of friends. Piloting the ship seems like a pirate version of Overcooked.

Oops, must have been a nerve there.

Then why even mention the collection of knives/swords, tough guy?

“Local area man found dead in his home. Crime scene investigators have determined that the victim was shot while charging a home intruder with a ninja sword. Victim’s neckbeard, while unusually thick, was insufficient to stop the gunfire.”