
Goku’s many, many deaths.

Virtually EVERYTHING is a depreciating asset we use to cushion the blow that we are all marching inevitably towards our death.

The bad commentators harp over every little mistake(that’s you, Gigabyte Stars war event back in 2011 I think) and made the players look like scrubs every time every little mistake was called out and diminished their expertise.

Agreed, I don’t think Andromeda will ever be what it should have been. No way they’re still throwing money at it at this point.

I really did like the layout of the Tempest. It was a shame that I didn’t care about any of the crew that staffed it.

Kind of off-topic. Am I okay to play this game on Xb1? Most people I know are playing on PS4, but I don’t have one of those. I know multiplayer’s been shaky in general, but it seems like that isn’t limited to the XB1, so I assume it will improve. I’m more curious about the player base, but that might be tough to tell

but a lot of the hardcore fans (that can be very open to people who want to get into the game) turn into huge assholes if you raise a complaint about established series conventions

I’d argue the Normandy is a great “hub world” as well.

Baby steps! At least, giant mecha baby steps.

Yeah, that kind of stuck out to me too. Decided not to read too much into it, though.

Congratulations, LOTEABH. You, like many nerds, have the worst super power in the world: the ability to find every possible Worst Case Scenario. You have What-If Vision. What if you decide you want kids when it’s too late? What if your job pulls you apart? What if the world is about to erupt into a ball of atomic

What’s next, selling your health bar or inventory screen for profit? What would you do without in your heads-up display to gain more money and health for your character?

Don’t worry about it, someone peed in Taliesin’s cheerios this morning.

My comment was meant to be tongue in cheek. As someone who grew up with those consoles, bad UI choices were far from the only problems those games had.

I got the kids an NES classic, and later the SNES classic, hoping to start them out on the kinds of games I grew up on. Those games proved to be mostly too difficult for them, so I wasn’t exactly sure what game they should try.

I mean, did you read the last paragraph? Snoop is an avid Madden player. Sorry if that particular title is not up to your gamer standards, but he’s definitely a gamer.

You could potentially need ass-stick removal surgery as well. Why do you dislike “celebrity gamers”, and how do you define that?

People who are legitimately mad about this need to remove the sticks from their asses.

I mean, I’m not saying I necessarily disagree with you, but a Penny Arcade Comic from 14 years ago seems like a weird hill to die on.

Because this game looks extremely similar to Destiny 2, from both the description and the gameplay footage that’s out there. People are going to expect this game not to step on the same landmines that Destiny 2 did (and continues to do).