
Aww yeah, Army of Two.

But the description offers no specifics on what kind of increase you’re actually getting. It simply says: “Increased chance to receive Exotic engrams from sources in the world. Effect lasts for 4 hours.”

That solves approximately 0% of the real problem.

Totally agree. I own and have used Selecttechs at home for years. Started using Powerblocks at a local gym recently, and they’re awesome. The form factor is just better. I’d definitely go with Powerblocks if I had to buy a set again.

Totally agree. I own and have used Selecttechs at home for years. Started using Powerblocks at a local gym recently,

I dunno, I found the main story dialogue to be the weakest point of the game. I found myself going to do something else around the apartment or browsing my phone during the cutscenes, since they were so cringeworthy and weak. Not sure if it was the voice acting, or if something was lost in translation, but it fell

That’s probably the most disappointing aspect of all about this launch. We’ve been here before. After a couple of years of content and patching, Destiny 1 was a pretty good game. I expected they’d have carried that momentum forward to the second game.

Anyone else find that the “shaped” Kraft macaroni and cheese is far superior to the boring old noodles? I assume they’re made of the same pasta, so I dunno what it is.

Side note, I really miss the pace of Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear. I played the shit out of that on MSN gaming zone back in the day. It was very tactical, and I’ve never found that Siege scratched the same itch.

This is one of those games that I watched someone on Twitch play through, and it was hilarious. I have no desire to play it myself. Highly recommend watching someone else on a play through though.

Collectibles, done well, can be super gratifying. I get a sense of satisfaction clearing out the icons on Assassin’s Creed maps, for example. Seeing that crisp, clean map with everything collected is nice.

Most MMOs discard content and start fresh? That’s bullshit. I can still log in and play old expansion content on WoW, Guild Wars, Elder Scrolls Online, Runescape, the list goes on.

I mean, gaming for the sake of progress is its own sense of achievement in games sometimes. Not everyone’s playing games for the deep stories and lore. Just progressing towards and meeting your goals can be rewarding in itself.

MMOs are usually on yearly or bi-yearly expansion release schedules.

I bought the Destiny game + expansion pass, thinking I was getting a deal since I’d probably play them anyways, and it was cheaper to buy the bundle.

Why do you say he’ll “be lucky to be alive in a year from now”?

Man, this’ll probably get a pass from me. They really need to straighten out the ground game. The series is great but for that one wart, and it’s a big one.

So I’m guessing now is the time to finally give EVE a shot, after reading about it for years now?

Holy shit, did I ever get pumped when I saw the Switch in that list.

The campaign was garbage. The multiplayer was amazing.

Nice to see ole’ Nipple Rubbing Vader again.