decreasesincreases cost andincreasesdecreases qualityand quantityof service.
decreasesincreases cost andincreasesdecreases qualityand quantityof service.
Cheating? Or, you know, the more likely scenario that they help develop the game and accidentally left some of their developer tools enabled.
Thanks for the response and honest thoughts on it. I think you’re right, that opening up and making yourself vulnerable is scary, but it helps to talk it out with someone, even when that voice in the back of your head is telling you not to. I also definitely agree with seeing a specialist, I’ve talked with a therapist…
I hear you, man. Nobody told me that all this freedom came with so much responsibility.
An officially supported SWG Pre-CU/NGE server would be a dream come true. SWGEmu is pretty good, but I’d love a more polished version.
Any tips for enjoying ESO? I really want to get into it because Morrowind is easily my favorite Elder Scrolls game ever, so being back there in high def feels amazing. My only problem is that I find the gameplay really... disjointed, I don’t know how to put it exactly. It’s a problem that the games have always had, I…
I think it’s just a running joke at this point.
It sounds weird, but the catastrophically silly glitches that happen in Assassin’s Creed are one of my favorite parts of the series. They’re rarely something that a simple checkpoint load won’t fix, and they usually have me doubled over laughing.
The description of depression in the second response was shockingly accurate. What it does to your energy, ambition, how it self-perpetuates, the believable lies it tells you. I suffer from the same chronic depression, and it comes and goes, but when I’m in the middle of it, it’s what the Doc described down to a T.
Eh, we’ll have to agree to disagree, then. I never had much trouble figuring out what I wanted to say.
I think the Mass Effect series did it pretty well. The dialog choices were always shorthand versions of what Shepard was actually going to say, but they got the point across.
Thanks for the offer! I’ve mostly moved on to Heroes of the Storm at this point though, I’m a filthy casual.
I believe the persecution complex goes something like: “Those girls are total sluts, they sleep around with all of the in-dudes so they can get a leg up, and all they care about is looks! They’re so shallow and slutty. If they were sincere, good people, and took a second to see how good and genuine and funny I am,…
I always see quotes like this, and a little hope blossoms in my heart. “Hey, yeah!”, it squeaks happily. “Let’s be kind and patient, and help people feel good about themselves! The more you give, the more you get! Be the change you wish to see in the world!”
I’m actually very glad that Kinja doesn’t have downvotes. At least people can express controversial opinions here, whereas on Reddit it seems like anything written that doesn’t appease the hivemind gets downvoted until it’s hidden.
EA, is that you?
What’s the actual setup for that, though? Do you have to have the console running in a certain debug/dev mode, or have a PC hooked up to it? That’s what I meant by hurdles. On the PC, as long as you’re an administrator, you have access to nearly everything.
The tools you have for hacking are way more accessible and numerous on the PC. Consoles are much more of a closed garden type of environment; it’s possible to hack, but there are a lot more hurdles if you want do things other than the basic network manipulation stuff. It’s not necessarily all on the developers,…
And yet there’s something about the core game loop that has caught a larger, more dedicated audience this year than for any other game.
I’m with you. Breath of the Wild was so refreshing after the same old open-world RPGs we’ve been flooded with the last few years. It took a well established genre and flipped it on its head. The world wasn’t just a beautiful set piece that the game took place in.... the world was the game. Haven’t had a game give me…