
Because $quare €nix

Nvidia reserved pricing information to the last minute as they delivered the opening keynote at their GPU Technology Conference — unsurprisingly the Titan X will be $999.

Pictured: Potato Marshal

$250?!?! How can you even afford to eat? That's at least... half of your yearly salary at Kotaku, I imagine.

Wasting my teenage years running (and wiping) 2/3 day Molten Core raids back in vanilla, when everyone but the top tier guilds completely sucked at raiding.

It sounds like a good idea because it's reducing the incidence of crippling, life-threatening diseases that we have an answer to.

Holy Valve dick-riding batman. You think no corporation ever has the balls to admit fault? Their customer service is so terrible, that now that their feet are put to the fire, they had no choice except to admit that their service is crappy and promise to do better.

How would you know?

Don't go to Missouri. Thank you.

Whoopsie. You are correct. Can't edit now unfortunately.

Boy, you have insanely out-of-touch-with-reality standards.

I think the proof of that is the fact that they chose this woman as their front-runner for a beauty pageant. Not that she's ugly... but she definitely wasn't the prettiest girl in the room.

Yeah, I can see your point. I mean, I don't feel bad for them, but I thought she was pretty excessive. Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind and all that.

Just something cathartic about mowing down thousands of hapless enemies. Goes well with classical music, to wind down after a day of work.

Yeah, I don't know if it's all that bad though. They've got their big AAA moneymakers, so they can afford to stay in business to publish smaller creative games like this. It works.

Not sure, I've only made it through the first season in the TV series. She's kind of a grey character in the books though - she does a lot of crappy stuff under the guise of righteousness. Kinda like Stannis.