So true. Watching Trump play is painful sometimes.
So true. Watching Trump play is painful sometimes.
Really well articulated.
Drivel is going a bit far.
Thanks, I thought at times he had a legitimate opinion to share and debate. Turns out, he was just trolling. Ah well, see quite a few of those around here on Gawker.
Look, I've seen your point, despite the fact that you've devolved into petty name calling and trying to come up with the most clever insults you can. My original comment was probably too hyperbolic (here, here's the definition of the word, I know you have trouble with those..."Hyperbole is the use of exaggeration as a …
Incorrect. Go read up on some evolutionary psychology please.
That doesn't change the definition of the term. I'm enjoying your tirade against "Western tut-tutting" though.
The U.S. was far and away more heavily invested in the war than the U.S.S.R., in terms of manpower and military strength.
You realize that the Vietnamese people suffered several times more casualties than the people they were fighting? That several hundred thousand of those were innocent civilians? That they had their forests and farmland razed to the ground and/or poisoned by extremely toxic chemicals? That they had their religious and…
Are you actually trolling right now or are you that dense? I have to know, as you're putting a lot of words in my mouth.
Shit, I am old. Thank you for the reminder :(
Thanks for the statement of obvious fact, I guess?
When did I say the Vietnamese were wrong for standing up against invasion?
Missing your point, I never said Vietnam wasn't a beautiful country and a great place to visit.
Gotcha. A couple people also said Battlefield Vietnam was decent, seems like the only modern one that might be worth playing.
Hah, looked up a video of that game. Such nuance to the characters, I can really feel the emotional tolls of the war!
So who won? The U.S. who were forced to pull out of the war when Saigon was captured, or the Vietnamese who were left with massive casualties and a ravaged country?
Ah, that's a shame. The angle is accurate, but I'd like to see a developer paint it with a finer brush. There's a lot of human moments there they could bring out to drive it home to people, rather than ham-handing it like that (and the game could still be fun).
Serious question, are there actually any good games set during the Vietnam War? That war was such a depressing, horrific quagmire that nobody really won.
I like you.