This is probably a good call. Making up a "fake life" to protect the details of your real one.
This is probably a good call. Making up a "fake life" to protect the details of your real one.
Alas, 'tis one of my gentlemanly duties, to shoot down trolls. Not everything in life must be enjoyable. Shoveling your driveway, for example.
Less insecurity, more...
Ha, point taken.
Drinking heavily, getting a massage, crushing the other team in a game of DOTA 2. All of these things make me feel better. I don't count reading your post history as one of those things.
Sarcasm? Why, I would never think you were being sarcastic! That someone could come in and post a derailing comment on someone's thoughts, with no goal except to derail and belittle them, I could never conceive of it! How could someone possibly construct such a strategy? They would have to be as an intellectual giant…
Believe it or not, being a good entertainer is central to being a successful broadcaster, and it takes time and practice just like anything else. Also, did you miss the part where I said that you shouldn't get into it for the money? Lots of broadcasters do have jobs and families, and like to play games and interact…
Nah, I spent one minute skimming the more recent entries. Not exactly a stellar showing there, mi compadre.
You're kidding, right? You have to stream regularly, preferably at the same time of day for a long time to get a steady viewer base. A lot of the more popular streamers can get a nice second income, or primary income from streaming (not that you should really get into it for the money). If you have aims to have any…
Uh huh.
This is the kind of stuff that makes me hesitant to start streaming seriously. I don't know what it is, the smaller streams (up to 100, 200) people are super chill, good discussions, interactive broadcasters and all that. Once you start getting up towards 300 or 400 viewers and larger though, the spamming,…
I know right? That was really strange. I was all rooting for the green guy until he started goring the pink guy, seemed excessive.
So, I had a walk through your post history. You're that guy.
So Patrick doesn't spend his free time exploring funny, stupid stuff like this occasionally? For all you know, he happened upon a funny twitter post and decided to post it to Kotaku so other people could enjoy it. You might want to lighten up on the cynicism.
That's what I like about Kotaku, there's lots of longer, more in-depth articles and reviews, with humorous little blurbs like this sprinkled in. I don't always have the time and willpower to read a 10 page fart-sniffing manifesto on "The elegant and flawed nature of the modern first-person narrative experience" (or…
If you read the article, he did go to years of therapy, and video games as an outlet and a way to confront the issues was a result -
It's ultimately a heartwarming story. Danziger and Ullman have become friends, and Ullman might help fund the music game Danziger's been building the last few years.
There's lots of cards that force your opponent to draw cards, yes. I'm talking about cards that force your opponent to directly burn cards. Fel Reaver is the only one so far, and that's indirectly.
Great article, this hit really close to home for me - thanks. It can really be hard to drag yourself out of the hole you entrench yourself in after a long, failed relationship. It's a long trek back to finding yourself and your self-worth as an individual. Keeping a positive, optimistic outlook and a strong sense of…
Yeah, Fel Reaver is definitely fun in Arena. It sucks when they have a bunch of cheap cards combined with a hard removal spell though.