
Right, but the PS Plus model of giving free and discounted games to subscribers has carried over to Xbox Live Gold now. It's been really nice to have real, tangible benefits (games) for my subscription on my gaming console. As someone who hasn't owned a playstation console since PS1 and has had all 3 iterations of the

That's some strange logic there, fella. I think what you mean is "It doesn't personally make sense for me to buy a game at 60 dollars when I can get it for 30 in 6 months." It has nothing to do with the inherent value or what the developers actually deserve to offset their costs and time.

I think it's a little more nuanced than that. All signs point to it being a good game, even without the DLC. So if the developers really did a great job on the game and it feels complete, they probably deserve my $60. Selling games at $10 a pop will never be able to sustain a studio. Is it just that you think all

Indeed :) So many games, so little time.

Not sure that justifies it, but sure.

Fair enough. I added the "and/or wring more money from the consumers" to imply that having DLC doesn't always imply an unfinished game, but I think that most of the time launch-day DLC is just a way to grab more money. It could have been a cool addition to the game for free, but I'm not too upset about it not being in

Yep, and when a game just shipped as it was, bugs and all. No day one patches. All of the bugs in some of the old NES and SNES games I played as a kid added charm, in a way. Not sure I'd have the patience for it nowadays though.

Haha, yeah there's that too. He's passed on his indecision. He is the one who originally wrote the article that sold me on the game though, so if he's genuinely concerned about this DLC I guess it resonates with me to some degree.

I'm on xbox one, but that is a really good deal nonetheless. Thanks!

Yeah, you miss out on talking about games with your friends when they're the hot new thing that way though. Hanging out with friends who are discussing a new game and all you have is "I'm waiting for the complete edition" really sucks.

Sure is, when you're bored and have disposable income.

No, I definitely wouldn't have, you're right. I just have a knee-jerk reaction to this kind of crap after being burned by it so much the last few years, but I'll probably end up buying it and passing on the fan service DLC, and will likely enjoy the game as is.

Yeah, you're right. That's probably what I'll end up doing, just buying the base game without the DLC. From the looks of it it seems worth it, even without the DLC tacked on. Especially if it actually has nothing to do with the main story, like you said.

Ouch. I was super gung-ho about buying this game tonight after all of the glowing praise from reviews here and elsewhere, but this DLC "season pass" crap is really getting out of hand. I'm torn between wanting to play what seems to be a fun game, and buying into this excuse to release an incomplete game and/or wring

Apparently it was pretty close to this initially, and was changed to this asinine system due to positive feedback in testing. From the dev notes here : http://www.bungie.net/7_Destiny-Dev-…

This gives a whole new meaning to "stealing kisses"...

I, for one, welcome the second coming of our Lord and Savior Loot Cave. May he save us from the Cryptarch's horrific crimes against our most sacred legendary engrams.

Thanks for this, didn't really get a good sense of the new layout from the earlier post.

This game has a clear win condition, simple set of input data, and clear and simple rules, which make it pretty easy to write an AI to give you the best possible chance at a winning condition, even if the first move is arbitrary. A computer will be able to calculate to a depth of possible moves much deeper than a