Casting John Cho almost felt like stereotyping at work. A old white Netflix exec seeing an Asian guy, and assuming that he must know martial arts.
Casting John Cho almost felt like stereotyping at work. A old white Netflix exec seeing an Asian guy, and assuming that he must know martial arts.
You’d think that scavengers would have picked over what was left of Death Star 2, and found the secret vault. We start Ep with Rey scavenging from crashed ships, but nobody thought to do that to the remains of a massive superweapon.
Killing Eve is a BBC show. A Discovery of Witches and Gangs of London are Sky shows.
Coincidentally, they don’t want anyone else to study history either. Unless it’s their whitewashed version.
The other stupid thing with the Sith dagger was that it also required you to be standing at the right point on the coastline for it to work. If they’d happened to arrive a mile or two down the coast, then Rey wouldn’t have realised what it meant. They’d probably hand-wave it away, saying that the Force guided her to…
The finishing issue that stood out to me was the exterior shots of the temple at the beginning. At first I thought it was maybe just one column, but then it was all of them. The location looked like it was from an animated show. Columns looked more plastic than stone.
slaughtering a whole shop of New Republic soldiers
Sometimes it feels like we should have been taking more notes from the French Revolution.
They seem to have learned their version of fascism from an old copy of “Fascism for Dummies” that Trump spilled ketchup on, while eating his well done steak.
Yes, but the point being that the short-sightedness of trying to fuck over their opponents so that their way of life can “win” had some major consequences. The days of “better dead than red” have become “better Russian than Democrat”.
It’s probably safe to say that Murdoch has done more harm to democracy around the world, than any single person post WWII.
It really wouldn’t surprise me.
It often appears that people with privilege don’t want a level playing field, because they know that they would fail without a leg up. Suddenly they would be amongst the ones expected to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps”.
That sounds appropriate. Especially when considering what a fanboy President “Orange is the New Reich” was of the author of that book.
Presumably then why they ended up with nicknames like “Vanilla ISIS” and “Y’all Qaeda”. Also just as likely to bite them in the ass, as supporting the Taliban during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.
Is there even a line between the right-wing media and the GOP itself? Both are focused on generating hatred for “the other” of the week.
Yeah, the reveals have been a bit on the weak side. We’re a long way from the days of “No, I am your father.”
a woman could learn of her pregnancy within seven to fourteen days of conception
That explains a lot.
I can’t help but wonder if the anti-abortion Republicans would like to see a return of things like the infamous Magdalene Laundries in Ireland.