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I don’t know if it was shown outside of the UK, but there was a show for Channel 4 called Angry, White and American. Worth a watch, if you can find it.

“We have this aversion in this country to knowing about our past. And anything that is unpleasant, we don’t want to do deal with.”

Nick Fuentes is also an incel. When his sexuality was called into question, because he’s never had a girlfriend, his reponse was:

At this point I’m just assuming that MAGA now officially stands for Misogynist Assholes Getting Angry

I thought that they called them “demons”

“But the SNL guy, I don’t, I can’t, I don’t know. I’m team Kanye.”

“If I were inclined to engage in sexual harassment, this is unlikely to be the first time in my entire 30-year career that it comes to light.”

There’s a good “Adam ruins everything” on jaywalking, which shows how the US motor industry influenced your laws. You have bad public transport, because that’s how the car companies like it. Their marketing has convinced Americans that a car is a symbol of their personal freedom, instead of just revenue generation for

The separate chairs thing on Graham Norton has only been since Covid. Normally they’re on a sofa. I guess nobody wants to be in charge of the show that got celebrities sick.

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It would be great if they could get her to do a UK detective show. Something as good as when Gillian Anderson did The Fall or when Helen Mirren did Prime Suspect

Grosse Point Blank is one of my favourite movies. Minnie Driver and John Cusack played so well off of each other. There isn’t a bad scene with the two of them together.

Her full title includes stuff about the Commonwealth and the “Defender of the Faith”. By that point it just sounds like she’s bragging, so we tend to skip those parts.

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Funny how much of the history of the world revolved around the wants of white landowners. They wanted something that someone else had, and they were willing to sacrifice as many poor people as it took to get it.

What? You can get a 1 bedroom flat in for less than a grand a month in pretty much any borough outside of zone 3 or a studio in most places outside zone 2.

People doing civil service jobs aren’t going to be living in central London, unless it’s in a council property.

It’s a civil service job. Public sector pay in the UK is typically terrible, when compared to private sector. People often chose to work in the public sector because it was essentially a job for life, and they tended to have a better pension than the private sector equivalent.

Plus the title of “Queen of England” hasn’t existed for over 300 years

But it’s quite the pathology to say “free society” is reliant on the population quietly accepting injustice and the lot handed to them.

So much for being the party of small government

You mean that they’re a bunch of hypocrites? I am shocked by this completely unexpected revelation. The right-wing on this side of the pond is much the same.