
Didn’t you Americans fight a war to get out from under the rule of the British crown? Yet here we are, centuries later, having decisions about the lives of millions of Americans tied to a British royalist. Hale would probably have called for the entire US Supreme Court to be executed as traitors to the crown.

No one should have to travel, let alone pack up and move, to access basic health care like abortion or gender-affirming health services.

Brought to you by the same political party that keeps complaining about “big government”. I guess to them, something is only “big government” if it actually helps the majority of Americans.

The video of the monster truck is a fairly good representation of the sex lives of the men who enjoy it. A lot of noise and fanfare, for something that was over in three seconds.

The American right-wing is bizarrely obsessed with sex. They try to dictate what can be taught about sex. Which results in more unwanted pregnancies, that they want to ban from being aborted. It’s like they’re really focused on turning teen girls into baby factories. Maybe that’s their favourite way of locking young wo

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This is what happens when James Corden is allowed to be the lead in a movie. How did this not end his career?

Heard didn’t need to come from money to be a spoiled brat. There are plenty of poor people who behave like spoiled brats, because they weren’t told “no” often enough. Depp seems spoiled by decades of success. Heard could have been due to her childhood, relationships or her time with Depp.

Her current support of lesbians has the feel of someone just using people as props for their argument. The way that she waited until after finishing the HP books to retroactively make Dumbledore gay, felt shoehorned in. Presumably in response to comments about lack of LGBT inclusion.

Depp is definitely one of those people who wasn’t told “no” often enough. Fitting the saying about growing old is compulsory, but growing up is optional. Both Depp and Heard seem to be spoiled brats.

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It didn’t seem to do Rudy’s popularity with the GOP any harm. In fact, members of the GOP only seem to become more popular after wearing women’s clothing. Odd for a group of people who get so worked up about anyone not conforming to their views of what “normal” should be

Depp has become a parody of himself. As if he actually believes himself to be a character in a Tim Burton movie. The guy has been an addict for most of his life. That has to eat away at a person. I seem to recall that the interviews that he’s done over the past two decades have just got stranger and stranger.

I thought that her name was spelt Margarine Traitor-Gazpacho

Sex workers are moving to crypto because so many other payment options are being closed to them. The whole OnlyFans fiasco last year was due to the anti-porn groups pressuring the likes of Mastercard and Visa. Then there have been the various issues over the years with payment companies who processed the payments from

It looks like the Harley styling department finally moved forward from the 1950s to the early 1980s. Those fairings would seem to suggest that someone found an old Honda Gold Wing parts bin.

Don’t forget that he used to walk into the dressing room of Miss Teen USA and his other beauty pageants, where girls as young as 15 were undressing

The only legitimate reason that I can think of, would be for exclusion purposes in the case where they were the victim. Equivalent to taking the fingerprints of the people who live in a house, to identify any prints that don’t belong

I’ve always found it weird how prissy the US gets about sex and nudity, considering you guys are the biggest porn producers on the planet. Similarly the US attitudes to swearing. Even outside of your media, Americans act like swearing is something to be looked down on. If you swear, then you must be angry or poorly

I’ve always found it weird how prissy the US gets about sex and nudity, considering you guys are the biggest porn producers on the planet. Similarly the US attitudes to swearing. Even outside of your media, Americans act like swearing is something to be looked down on. If you swear, then you must be angry or poorly

So they’re only concerned about episodes where he discusses covid. What about episodes where he tells millions of black people that they’re not black, because he gets to define their race for them?