Like... I just can’t let this go.
Like... I just can’t let this go.
Phone technology has been great for years now, but infotainment systems still behave like an old blackberry. How hard is it to put in $500 of modern phone hardware in a $25,000 car?
Again, its safe to assume that if there was a better thing for those firefighters to be doing in that moment, its likely they would have been.
I would say it’s safe to assume that the owner of the vehicle was on site and specifically requested their help moving the car- he or she is likely in the drivers seat, obscured by dust and shadow.
It’s also safe to assume that if any lives were in danger in the immediate area that these firefighters wouldn’t have…
I mean really this just highlights what we’ve known for a long time...
Whats good in the eyes of shareholders is not what is good for gamers and the people making games.
Expectations on both sides need to change if Triple-A gaming every wants to recover- share holders need to recognize that monetization strategies that…
Yeah I quit because of toxicity not in the community but in my friend group...
And all the new heroes that have been introduced since then are keeping me away, because now getting back into it is a chore- I have to learn all these new heroes and all the changes to heroes I used to know...
Yet Kaplan seems to think those…
eh, that’s only a small part of it- the bigger factor is that CostCo’s stock (especially the kirkland generic) is highly variable- what they’re going to get in on any given month can change drastically.
I got an ‘04 Acura TSX with a six speed manual, 134k miles, and impeccable leather for $5,500 with the catch that it needed a new clutch for $1,500 and I was pretty 50/50 on whether that was a good deal or not... and they want $6k for this???
When did rally cars start sounding like fucking spaceships??
250 mph?
You’re cherry picking numbers- the CHEAPEST Taycan is still $14,000 more expensive than the MOST EXPENSIVE Model 3. The Taycan is in the Model S price bracket- with any meaningful options Porsche will have you paying as much or more than the Model S. It’s what Porsche does. And besides- they’re clearly trying to get a…
The Model 3 is a bracket lower in price, performance, and equipment. It’s literally just a similar size- if Porsche had anything to learn from comparing a Taycan to the Model 3 then the Taycan is DOA.
And that would be a terrible PR decision- we’d be eating them alive if we caught them benchmarking the Taycan against a…
Because it’s the only car to compare to right now... but I think that will be the biggest market difference between the Porsche and the Tesla- the Taycan is clearly designed to be 80% sport and 20% sedan where the Model S has always been 80% sedan, 20% sport... but what Porsche can do with only 20% sedan is why…
Yup- came here to post that. Ariel Atom is the closest thing any of us will get to having an F1 car in our garage.
I have the TSX from the same generation and it holds up just as well. Absolutely wonderful cars.
That’s the sort of pedantic argument that just makes me imagine you with a neckbeard and a belt-mounted cellphone holster for your Galaxy S3.
My problem with it, really, is that they’ve neglected to add enough rust in all the places old cars actually rust, like the wheel wells and the bottoms and seams of the bumpers and the rear quarter.
Maps not big enough.
The speed of your connection is meaningless. A 1 Mbps connection with low latency will outperform a high-latency gigabit connection in a gaming environment. Games require very little bandwidth.