I havent had any desync issues- is it maybe something on your end?
I havent had any desync issues- is it maybe something on your end?
Actually, I’ve wanted this since the game was released and want it even more recently when it feels like they’re tweaking weapons every other day. Its a frequent conversation between me and my 6 other friends who regularly play.
I was really hoping for a D.Va mechanic where he hops out and scurries away- no weapons, but very small and fairly fast. Easy to kill, but would be good at hiding on objectives to contest them.
Just like any vehicle with more power than grip, its all about that throttle control.
Because I, and most people I know (mid-20-somethings with backgrounds in pc fps) really hate Fortnite. The gunplay leaves a lot to be desired and the building mechanics just get in the way.
I absolutely understand the appeal on console because there isn’t an alternative and it’s highly accessible to a younger audience.
I’m honestly excited about this...
PUBG is a terrible game. Really- you can’t deny that it’s a poorly optimized, laggy, glitchy mess full of hackers and an infuriating amount of luck-based gameplay...
But it’s also EXCEPTIONALLY fun.
So I, for one, am super excited for proper Triple-A devs to release working BR games on…
Disappointed to see Dokapon Kingdom missed the list
That’s really not that many people in the grand scheme of things.
18,000 people die from preventable accidents every year... you’re saying about 2-3 die every year because of not understanding how car fobs work?
So less than 0.02%?
I honestly don’t believe that’s any worse than the number of people dying this way from…
“You are trying to be mainstream, stop it”
...I’m sorry but the biggest streamer of all time literally DEFINES the mainstream. I literally don’t understand at all.
What a strange culture. For a while I wanted to get into streaming...
My mom and her brother (my Uncle, if you’re privvy to such complexities) both believe that its harder on an engine to run it at “low” rpm, so they insist on driving manuals a gear too low- cruising around town in 2nd at 5,500 rpm.
To all the people trying to say this isnt impressive because there’s less air resistance so “of course he can go faster”...
Alrighty there Captain Keyboard, why don’t you go ahead and hop on a treadmill and set it to 50 mph and THEN tell me there’s nothing impressive about this.
It’s almost like this was a big publicity stunt- you know, for show.
Dragon Age and Fallout 4, in the same week.
Temperature. Even the best resins start to weaken above 200 °C.
But is it so long that it’s designers had to take into consideration the curvature of the earth?
What about electrical signal travel time from forward to aft?
24 year old in Colorado, two speeding tickets, a fender-bender-on-ice, and a totaled ‘99 CRV (I wasn’t driving)... now insuring an ‘04 Acura TSX “sports sedan” for $1,500 a year... Or should I say “only” $1,500 based on the numbers here!
What evil-ass insurance company were they getting numbers from?
Can you fit a tube of toothpaste in the panel gaps?
The problem with this mentality is that in one breath you say it has to be better than a human (true!) and then follow that by demanding it be perfect.
Humans are FAR from perfect, and while we benefit from an intuition we could never teach a machine, our senses, focus, and reflexes have their limits...
As do self…
Ultimately, very sad... but self driving cars are already better than human drivers on a miles-driven-per-accident basis, even this early in their development. It definitely seems like Uber is trying to play catch-up and is getting reckless- Waymo doesnt seem to be in the news for anything like this.