
The moment I can actually afford my no-compromises (but reasonable and attainable) dream car, I pull the trigger. Until then, I will continue buying 6-10 year old quirky japanese cars and driving them until they explode.

I have this weird all-or-nothing mindset with new cars. I just cannot imagine committing (for

Huge difference between me, a random citizen, making a predictive and over the top stab at how the current regime is going to take advantage of these people’s deaths and the formal media and the actual Commander in Cheeseburgers immediately using that over-the-top, joke-worthy rhetoric.

The people who actually have a

Wow, you sure were right. And they politicized it at lightning speed, too. 

the cynic in me is already prepared for this to get politicized to death.

You must be a wizard.  Your prediction came true with that orange cunt blaming DEI, Biden, Obama etc etc for the crash.  

Took them only a couple hours to blame DEI. Absolutely bananas.

It’s funny that you say you’re ready for this to be politicized when you have literally just politicized it yourself. 60+ people have died, and your first instinct is to immediately make a political statement. Only stating your heart is with the victims AFTER you get your snarky political jab said.

It’ll be interesting to hear what excuse there is for any kind of training flights should be happening anywhere near commercial flight paths.

How could the benevolent spirit of Reagan let this happen? Or why didn’t our new lord and savior Cheesus change the flight path with his magic Sharpie?

weird that he wrote the headline as if the American Airlines flight was in the wrong.  and then tagged an article slandering American Airlines. 

It’s clear without a doubt that the main cause of this crash is pure, unadulterated and Biden-caused wokeness.

This incident will 100% be politicized and will be Exhibit’s A though Z on the current Administration’s case to gut and privatize ATC.  Just wait, that is 100% coming.

Fox News would be nuclear right now.

It’s sad that you went there, but by this evening that will probably be the prominent narrative on X, Fox, and the rightwing social mediasphere. It tells you all you need to know that his first instinct is to blame ATC. They’re Fed employees after all...

Probably unrelated: https://apnews.com/article/coast-guard-homeland-security-priorities-committees-trump-tsa-d3e4398c8871ada8d0590859442e092c

DEI hire in Reagan ATC for sure. Or maybe the helicopter pilot’s second cousin is trans. Or maybe this is why we should re-designate them Sikorsky “White-Hawks.”

But seriously, this is horrible. My heart is with all the victims and their families. Accidents happen and that doesn’t make it okay, but the cynic in me is

Or call people that are rescuing children “pedos”. 

No company is completely innocent (just look at all the banks accused of fraud or robbing their own customers). But these days I will settle for the companies whose CEOs aren’t making “awkward hand gestures” during public appearances.

There are two parts to the conversion from static to dynamic friction. The classical physics interpretation says that area doesn’t matter. This is true as long as neither participating surface fails due to shear load. Failure within the ice or snow is the limit when the water layer on the ice or the various components