Wait, what? The Tallneck uber-burst has been a major thing since the first game. Hell, it’s even a minor *plot* point in one of the cauldrons in Forbidden West
Wait, what? The Tallneck uber-burst has been a major thing since the first game. Hell, it’s even a minor *plot* point in one of the cauldrons in Forbidden West
Don’t mind me, I’m just rolling around in all this sweet, sweet money I get for negging on NFTs, paid by... paid by... um... you know... the anti-NFT lobby!
That’s because there isn’t anything they can be used for that isn’t already being done with simpler technology.
If this is handled by the writers of 3, then I’m just not interested. BL3 was good despite its atrocious writing, whereas Telltale-like games are just glorified visual novels - nothing but narrative, very little gameplay to go on about. I straight up can’t handle another fucking Ava, more dropped major plotlines like…
Tales from the Borderlands sequel (Hurrrayyyyyy!!!!)... written by different people and starring different characters (...huh).
BL3 kind of butchered Rhys a little, and there wasn’t ever any explanation for why the other characters didn’t show up at all.
I’m hopeful they snag some of the original authors for this, as the original is one of my favorite games and I still sometimes re-watch pieces of it.
REALLY reminds me of the Star Trek Next Generation with Data and a game master once:
It should also be noted the streamer was just banned for 24 hours on the GTA server for toxic behavior as he spammed in games messages over 900 times with such great quotes like
And what I’ve learned from toei’s shitty tactics is that it’s ethically fine to steal as much toei owned content as possible.
Its laughable to believe Microsoft wants anything to do with Bobby Kotick or honestly the vast majority of staff at Activision.
that doesn’t really mean anything, takeovers like this usually keep most of the C staff until the deal has completed then phase them out after restructuring
Man, World in Conflict was amazing... I suck at RTS games, but on a more tactical scale I’m pretty solid...the way they switched up the RTS formula for WiC made it a perfect game for me. I still have my Collector’s Edition, with the “““certified authentic””” chip off the Berlin Wall. 😏
The best thing about this may very well be that, it seem to have nothing to do with Discovery’s timeline.
I’m excited in general, but also post-TNG is peak Star Trek aesthetic and I am glad to see Lower Decks and this bringing it back. The uniform and bridge styles really pop.
Furthermore, this is the triumphant return of the Centaur-Class. A one off Kitbash from DS9. It has the indentations on the hull and the distinctive…
In 2020 they developed and released 5 games...CoD Warzone, MW2 Remastered, THPS 1+2, Crash 4, and CoD BLOPS Cold War...and they made EIGHT BILLION DOLLARS. Cold War, which came out in November, and Modern Warfare (the 2019 version) were the top 2 best selling games of 2020. THPS 1+2 was the 20th best selling game of…
I love Elite Dangerous and still play it, but we’re not really in a great position to be casting stones or pointing fingers, man.
Have to agree... I wanted this flight model used in game more like the classic Privateer with focused missions / story or even the relatively new Rebel Galaxy Outlaw. Elite has a really nice engine stuck in a criminally boring game.
While I’m definitely not stanning for Star Citizen, Elite: Dangerous was a deeply boring experience to me. Great flight model, nothing to actually play.