
Nobody bats an eye when Blizzard, or EA, or Naughty Dog, or Bioware, or almost every other developer on the planet creates derivative content...

Yeah, there are more than enough reasons to hate on Elon these days, but I really do find this lawsuit puzzling. ITAR is really stringent on its requirements and the idea that non-permanent citizens are actually allowed comes as a surprise to most in the space community.

Quite the inconvenience for the 45 seconds it’ll take them to create another account.

It’s a pretty perfect fit for Trek

Way to completely misunderstand the situation. The problem is NOT that they want to charge for API usage. The 3rd party app developers are on the record saying they AGREE that there should be a reasonable price for access. The issue is that they suddenly slapped a rate on it that is 20 times that of what a similar

This person needs to not be CEO anymore. Once you start treating your users and largest contributors as the enemy instead of assets, it’s all over.

I haven’t seen anything that said they’ve acquiesced on anything. Is there a source on that? Also, the native Reddit app has many long standing flaws besides just the moderation tools.

When you are making Youtube look like the more creator friendly platform, you are doing something terribly, terribly wrong.

There’s important advice that is told to budding graphic novel/webcomic creators that I find applies to most all content creation: Good writing can make up for bad art. But good art can’t make up for bad writing.


The base game is a glorified DEMO. Until the DLC is packaged in a way that actually justifies their cost, it’s almost a scam.

I wouldn’t say I was pissed by any stretch. But put off? Enough to overlook the game with so many others on my todo list? Absolutely. Hell I was even gifted it for free a couple years ago and I still haven’t touched it.

The listed release date on Steam of “TIME IS SUBJECTIVE” was cute. For the first couple years. But if you want ramp up some support for yourselves, maybe it’s time to at least pseudo-commit to at least a year. Just so fans that aren’t hanging on every dev blog know it’s not stuck in development hell.

I’d forgotten it was even supposed to come out this year. I guess I just assumed it was always going to be pushed out.

Yeah, this article clearly doesn’t understand the situation. I’m not saying the GTARP community is civil, far from it. But to make this article about the community harassing him when he and his community is the single largest source of toxicity both in game and out, is laughable. Once he passes the 8 hour mark or so

If there was any hope of getting a straight answer about this, it won’t happen until after the deal is complete. They’re not going to do anything to shake up the market before then.

Four years is less than one development cycle, so to be fair we haven’t had the time to see what would come of these new acquisitions from being led by Microsoft.

I will be very excited to play when Sony decides to release to PC some number of years after.

They just happened to find a crack in Twitch out of the many many sites they probe all the time. They can make up whatever fake justification they want after the fact, but 1000% the main motivation was opportunity.

Tale as old as time. No matter how many times it happens, people still get shocked Pikachu face whenever MMO’s get overloaded on the first day. Even MMO’s that SUCK get flooded on the first day.