The court as clearly never heard of the Streisand effect.
The court as clearly never heard of the Streisand effect.
That’s certainly the impression I’m getting from the community. Lot of diehard PAX attendees saying some permutation of “Sad to see it go, but I’m not traveling to/spending money in Texas with the way things are.” Can’t blame them. Jeez, yeesh, and/or yikes! 😬
I imagine the political situation in Texas isn't helping either.
Not at all mixed.
That's crazy how this blog post got stuck for 10 years and just now managed to post today.
Oh yeah totally, just like every other website hack. The fact that they’re trying to take a moral stance, while at the same time leaking the personal information of streamers is just some hot nonsense.
I don’t have to defend Amazon to question this person’s actions and motives.
LOL seriously. The most toxic place on the internet making moral judgements are hilarious.
“Jeff Bezos paid $970 million for this, we’re giving it away FOR FREE.”
So the kids are still saying pwned these days? I guess that makes me feel a little less old!
My money is on “right wing grievance grifter,” since he already has the politics and there is nothing easier than blaming your own failures on ‘the left’ or 'wokeness' in some capacity.
He’s on track to become president, at this point.
Can this guy just go away already? I mean no Disrespect. Literally.
The thing that pisses me off the most is that the second thing DIDN’T keep him banned. I’m fairly certain whatever he did that got him permanently banned wasn’t anywhere near as bad, but was just the final straw for Twitch.
But he also argues that he’s having trouble getting major sponsors, given the first thing everyone knows about him is that he was banned for unknown reasons.
Can we just hire Levar Burton and get it over with?
I thought exactly the same thing as I read the article. “Is the writer seriously using Twitch chat to assess... well, anything?” Twitch chat is about as toxic as it gets and that toxicity only scales up with the number of viewers.
I’m sure PlayerUnknown feels their pain.
*looks directly at Nintendo*
Man, how much of an asshole do you have to be to go after the people who like your games enough to mod them and make it 10x more difficult than it needs to be?
*side eyes bethesda*