
I looked up “Typhus”, and there’s like next to no similarities between them other than the fact they’re traitors.

I get the feeling that since this guy is broadcasting what a depraved, vindictive psychopath he is, he’s far more likely to end up destitute and homeless, with or without someone in retaliation further smearing his name. I mean, these articles are the first result for googling his name.

Some of the combat took place well above Starkiller’s main cannon, and therefore in space. It’s a short shot though.


I do not understand how people think Snoke’s CGI was objectively bad. It looked fine to me. His character design was definitely nothing that special though. I was glad he turned out not to be a giant though, that didn’t really seem to fit Star Wars to me.

They didn’t nuke everything. Rakata Prime has been established to be in the new canon, along with Darth Bane, so that does in a rough sense validate many of the older events.

I’ve seen this criticism and it doesn’t hold much water. If they’re going to make a sequel to the OT before any of the original cast dies or becomes too old, what else are they supposed to do? Do something long after long after they’ve died in-universe? It would have been hard to maintain relevance and could have

Dante’s Inferno was honestly a pretty good game. It did have pretty terrible graphics though.