
Shoulda’ been you, Adequate Man.

i know several women in confederate states who also would pick cousins over a black man

Watching a game at University of Phoenix stadium is a lot like attending University of Phoenix – you spend a ton of money on a complete waste of time, and when you tell people what you did they all laugh at you.

Well, how is he supposed to know if he did anything wrong if someone doesn’t beat the shit out of him first?

Anthony, there is help.

I know he comes off as a doof most of the time, but he also seems like a genuine good guy. I’m rooting for him.

I’m genuinely curious about people’s thoughts on why it’s been so hard to maintain. Is that part of the Bay Area harder on natural grass? Are they going cheap with it? What’s going on?

no no no no no no no no no no

Good Kinja.

This isn’t a court, the NFL can’t issue warrants, they have absolutely no right to search his personal property. I say this as Jets fan who loves that the decision was upheld. Goodell is a moron and his handling of this incident, like every other thing he has done recently, has been appalling.

shouldn’t you be over on i09 trying to destroy the moon or something?

What if he faked the entire thing in a ploy to get them to drop the franchise tag. That would be so amazing.

SON: Dad why are you always deadspin? Even at home you’re always scrolling through these stupid articles.

They’re tightly focused, platform-neutral, free and not tied to schedules. They’re perfect for commuters.

So you’ve decided to get a pet. Maybe you’re hankering for some furry companionship to perk up the lonesome