Anyone who thinks this is MORE debaucherous than the Derby hasn’t done the Derby correctly. Or been invited to the right before and after-parties.
Anyone who thinks this is MORE debaucherous than the Derby hasn’t done the Derby correctly. Or been invited to the right before and after-parties.
Tarp nap dude is clearly living his best life.
because if he put that glass down it would tip over.
because if he put that glass down it would tip over.
He lost that little plastic bottom thingy, which is a pain I know all too well. #thestruggleisreal.
Younger Me would have been making plane reservations for the next one now.
This is a man who knows there is never a reason to put down a drink. I mean, why would you?
Xanax smoothies sound heavenly
She reminds me so much of my gorgeous girl!
Thanks for your comment, Donald Trump.
Our new pupper Rose, a toy Aussie. We got her two months ago but she fits right in already. We love her so much!
Not to be outdone but I just had to listen to his sister - sharp-toothed spawn - loudly lick her butthole for a solid 2 minutes.
Rufferee and Wide Retriever
Proud mom of this chubby boy
This is Ser Davos in his Peggy Schuyler costume. Work!
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Baby Busy
I just spent about 30 seconds enjoying watching my toothless slobbering spawn try to gum a french fry. It’s Halloween, let him live.
This sounds like Clarkson got tired of being told “you can’t do that because lawsuit” and decided to just go over the top with it to make the BBC look pedantic and envious.