Wonton Disregard

My husband looked at Solange and asked in his best Donnie Bartalotti voice, “Why is she wearing a dreamcatcher in her hair?”

Yassssss! Also Trader Joes just north of Seal Beach. great tunes. singing and dancing on occasion.

Easy solution: put earbuds in or headphones on - international sign of leave me alone.

The malt liquors give me terrible headaches... may I opt for vodka? And for weed, please no bottom of the baggie  shake...

Me three. I was out then back in, out and now grey again. I am dizzy...

He is a lying liar who lies. A lot.


Ugh, Facebook.

Not shade. not originally or post edit.

Agree! Witches I like, it is vamps that skeeeeeer me!

Jack approves. Shhhh, it’s naptime.

I see a lot of Cubes in North Texas, but they are no longer sold in the US. I do get calls monthly from Nissan dealerships all over looking to buy my car; my model is popular. One day I may say yes, but for now I like my car.

Am I the only person who thinks Kendall’s pic looks like something from an old Perez Hilton post?

The most polarizing car is the Nissan cube. I should know, I own a cube krom and the comments I get are hilarious. You don’t know the number of times I have wanted to tell some asshole to “go play hide and go fuck yourself.”

He’s not super happy about it. Costume will only make a brief appearance.

My dog would freak out for a life sized lobster toy.

I would join your suit. The 80s were a scary time at Baylor. At least we had Outer Limits/25th Street Theatre...

Oh I know... i was just pointing out that it does not matter.

That episode gave me the sads at the end.