And people wonder why I deleted Facebook. Best decision of my life.
And people wonder why I deleted Facebook. Best decision of my life.
Honest question: Is the State of Cali Workers Comp/Disability on the hook if a porn actor contracts an STD while working? Is that the govt reasoning here but they are not disclosing?
Dylan is also wondering why the judges decided not to read any books this year.
Thank you!
Indigo shibori by the bolt so I can finish making bags and scarves
“The problem is that no one cares about Pokemon anymore”
I’m a two spacer, but then I learned to type on a IBM Selectric. #Spacespace
If our National Treasures are ass clowns...
You should update this article with the photos of actual seats from the era. Miss Pooty Pants Katrina is dead wrong.
Newtipie, tells us everything you know about Little Trump!
Tolerate does not equate to like.
Newtee, go crawl back under a rock. You’re irrelavancy is poking out its tired little head.
I vote throat punch.
More stars!
Stars stars stars!
As someone who has dealt with Faraci directly, I can confirm your assessment.
And this story is a surprise to anyone???Bueller? Bueller?