
Reasonable is... the only way to describe it. She was a victim of the opioid epidemic. They’re more concerned with people finding out they’re selling fentanyl than getting their money at this point.

I get calls From my dead ex wife’s drug dealers trying to settle her debts. We divorced ten years ago. Thank god I moved out of state.


I was on mobile. Kinja Kinja’d again. Basically, it was this

Frank Dux also claims to have been there, and to have kicked everyone’s ass.

yeah that’s one of the things I thought about I feel so bad for the foreigners that live in Japan and have to already deal with a certain level of biased anyway and here comes this asshole

Like you can’t read Jalopnik and not at least know a couple of these people. They routinely show up in the blog.

I’m looking for my Windows 3.11 disks....I feel if I use the original IE browser, the formatting will all make sense.

I feel like I caught a venereal disease after visiting that website.

The Rockford Scanner website looks like it’s from the stone age.

He’s one of the two famous Canadian Ryans (Reynolds being the other one).

That Korean one is incredible. It’s so natural, he must have muscle memory from doing it 8 billions times.

Now playing

I love Wes, but he’s got a lot to learn from the master of making fans wait for it.

Thank you, MR. Falcon. That doesn’t sound too bad. I can deal with a little run-of-the-mill Hollywood “ick.” It’s the up-close & personal wedded to the CGI effects that require hands in front of my eyes. I will check out our video rental tonight:)

The second one was good (when I skip over the cringey Bruce Willis scene), but I love love love the third one.

Talk about mixed up priorities, 20 hours of people walking, or 90 minutes of people walking while saying some the most quotable lines in history and shooting the hell out of everything

Ha! I graduated somehow, so I must’ve...

That soundtrack will be stuck in my head for the next week

Mega Man 2!

the “critic” offered up Nic Cage as a better alternative to play Tommy. Ignore this joke of a critic.