
Your code for the Neewer ring light doesn’t work. 

Your code for the Neewer ring light doesn’t work. 

Maybe tell your defense to not give up 48 points and then you don’t have to worry about instant replay.

End of the month and gotta get that quota for articles.

Belichick’s mind is a steel trap. Gase’s mind is more like a box with a stick under it. 

So because he survived a crash of his own making, he shouldn’t get a DWI? Were they supposed to let off balloons and streamers because he survived? Rewrite your sentence, it’s dogshit. 

Not quite sure how a gimpy ankle would contribute to a dislocated kneecap. It was just shitty luck. You can see a Denver D-lineman and a Chiefs O-lineman fall into the right side of that knee.

What is this referencing? I have only been able to see highlights of the games.

Totally agree. This is why Rickey Henderson’s records of 1406 career steals and 130 (record for modern era) in 1988 will never be broken. Jose Reyes had 78 in 2007 but that’s the closest anyone’s come after the year 2000. 

or at very least, the driver.

You take that common sense elsewhere buddy!

WHy am I saying WHat WHat WHay?

I realize Olympic lifting does but they were definitely not doing this lol. It was with curl bars of 40 or 60lbs.

Line worker:

The only way this could have been better is if a Smart Car went around him and up the hill with no issue, while honking twice and waving.

I think part of it is that besides the physical part, mentally it’s that there’s nothing constraining your leg on the aisle side. Window seat, you have the wall and middle seat as your blockades. Middle seat you have a person on each side. 

I don’t feel I should tip at someplace like Subway, Chipotle, etc. They’re not making $2.15/hr, they’re making at least minimum wage. Why should I tip you for doing your job requirements? I’ll throw a dollar if something unforeseen came up and they went out of their way to help but otherwise, they’re not giving any

Dudes who excessively grunt and drop weights (mere feet away from the sign saying to not drop weights) just to be noticed. There’s a pair of bros at my gym who will work out in the barbell area and use the curl bars and do rapid sets then let them drop from a few feet up while grunting loudly. It’s like, “C’mon man

Ring light code doesn’t work. Tried the motion light one to make sure it wasn’t just my account having an issue and that code applied fine. 

Ring light code doesn’t work. Tried the motion light one to make sure it wasn’t just my account having an issue and

I would think they’d talk to the catcher because if Noah has a great ERA with the others, why does it always double with this guy? Is he not studying the opposing hitters to know what to call?

Well at least there was a coffin right there.