TXP True

Hang in there. It is tough suffering the idiots out there that cannot be bothered to think of anyone else and wear a flipping mask. Some of my Republican, well not Republican so much as Trumpers, friends give me crud for wearing a mask. I just tell them that I care for them whether or not they reciprocate. Left

Being around in the 1070s I loved the rainbow color pattern. I miss being able to display it. I get labeled gay by straight people and when gay people find out I’m not, I get accused of sexuality appropriation and messing with their identity. About the only thing I can do and not piss off someone, too badly, is wear

Is there some sort of syntax or rules around adding types (letters)?

Ha, ha. You first bright boy, then I’ll consider it.

You said that overhead photos prove that protesters were on their property. I want to see these overhead photos that you claim prove that people were on the property. Link please.

Doesn’t matter. This topic is about people brandishing weapons and threatening peaceful protestors.

If you look at overhead shots of the property and look at where people where in other photos, there are clearly some protesters that walked off that ‘private’ road and on to the side lawn of the house.

In some places you allowed to point weapons at trespassers (the protesters were trespassing, though probably not intending to) under certain conditions. I don’t think the conditions would have been met in most places in the US. Not sure about their state.

I prefer the AR-14 “Dogface Ponysoldier” edition.

Correction: Peacefully trespassing after breaking through a gate. Details matter.   Still, no call for confronting them. Simply call the police and let them handle it. Now if they are hitting on the doors and windows, shit is about to get real.

Don’t forget to mention sharp, pointy sticks and rocks.

Yes, that is an AR-15, but it is not designed for war. FCG is different and many of them are of inferior construction to be placed into a battlefield. The military uses the M-16 and M4 and a few other types. Please don’t rely on Liberal sources for your firearm knowledge. People in the ‘know’ laugh at you.

Well it should be noted that the protesters did break through a locked gate at the property in question and were walking through the yard and side driveway of the Dipshit’s house.

Just wait. Some General will say they can add a hitch seat tail gunner and a nose gunner position.

And we all know they will.

Quick is relative to other military vehicles. As the amount of equipment issued to units increased, the need for larger vehicles was realized. The Jeep wasn’t up to the task anymore and the 6x6 were still a little large for patrol and escort. Vehicles that slotted in between the Jeep and 6x6 (M35) were mostly phased

5 seats.

There is no excuse for racist behavior unless he is a True Blue Liberal Democrat, then it isn’t racism, because reasons.

I bet you $100 that he will pick up a Drive Time franchise if Mitsubishi pulls out of the US. He won’t have to change a thing but the signage. Business as usual. Heck, he’ll probably convert the used lot into a ‘title loan’ / car pawn operation to round out the fleecing operation. 

They are a mix bag. The Mgmt in the I/T centers are more flexible, but those in the main office are still very tied to their old way of doing business and they don’t fully understand technology.