TXP True

Some people just aren’t mechanically inclined enough to handle a beater that will need repairs. They don’t want the hassle and/or they get fleeced on repairs because they don’t know what really is needed to keep a beater running.

I was worried there for a moment, then I remembered the Mercury Marauder didn’t come around until 2003.

Why don’t they just make it a radio program already or end it entirely if this is the direction they are going?

Got me there. I type Alpha, Beta, Zeta, etc a lot at work. My fingers are forces of habit.

I have to hand it to the students of Texas State. They are standing up for what they believe, fighting the good fight and haven’t burned down the campus or pulled a University of Texas style stunt that makes them look like dildo waving morons.

I don’t care if their names were Smith, Johnson or Nguyen. They were were elected to represent the will of the students. No one should blindly support their own skin color just because of their skin color. Makes them no better than the other student representatives that didn’t show up because they were white and

A guy I know hasn’t had a recall on his Alpha in years. I can only guess that they stopped recalling 1986 Spiders when Alpha Romero fled the US way back whenever.

What brand of battery do you use? I need to find a reliable brand. I usually go with Costco because of the warranty and get a little over 3 years of life.

Cavalier based on Corolla? Nope. You might be thinking of the Geo Prism.

Po-Dunk Oklahoma. Cop was chasing a truck for a couple of miles. Truck almost barrels into my rear and glues himself to my bumper. A mile down the road I get to a section of highway with a shoulder and I think ‘the heck with this’ and start pulling right. Cop jams past truck, cuts him off and almost PITs me. Truck

The NRA has its fair share of hyperbole also. Same things, but different side of the fence. I was an NRA member for decades. While it is true that the NRA does a lot to further the 2A and firearm safety, they are also a very adept fund raising and rabble raising entity. I figure they spent more on mailings, email and

If you’ve been following much of the gun industry or firearms as even a part time hobby you’d know that Trump/Obama/(any other politician or event) had very little to do with Remington’s pending bankruptcy.

Unabashed ignorance! You do realize that most people in Germany aren’t old school or Neo Nazis? Obviously not.

TX requires a minimum liability insurance, but..........if you live in (un-named city) you can get off with only a ticket/warning if you are NOT from, let’s say, this country and you have no ‘legal’ status and maybe identification. The city decided it was too expensive to take enforcement action with virtually no

If the radio didn’t work for a few days, I’d survive. No rear view camera? I guess i could use the mirrors or turn my head around, ugh, if I must. No climate control and it is slightly freezing cold (that’s below 50 degress F for us central Texans)? That’s an issue.

Having shopped for 5 different vehicles, in the past 3 years, across 5 different brands, I can say the two best brands are Subaru and Toyota. Chevrolet and Nissan were okay. Honda, well, let’s just say they were less than forthcoming with quotes and those that did spoke in general numbers.

You do have a point that the rear brakes don’t actually contribute much to the braking. Therefore, drum or disc brakes on the rear seem to last forever.

The last DC9 I flew on was a little scary. I sat over the wheel well and when the gear came up, my seat bounced up a couple inches.

Not to weight in either way on Toyota’s use of drums in the rear, but the switch to disc brakes is a move forward overall. You say “Nay”? Have you ever driven a vehicle with all drum brakes through water or in wet conditions? There is a reason that people would tell you to drag the brakes a little after going through

Every time I see something like this it reminds me of the video from way back where a father (Gary Plauche) shot some pedo in an airport. Justice served up piping hot.