
Slow news day, I guess.

Your assumption that jobs grow on trees is false.

It’s stuff like this that prevents me from entering a competitive environment in any game.

I have, for many years, maintained the truism that fighting with honor creates only a moral obligation to lose. If you cannot sort a route around your opponent’s tactics, that’s on you.  So long as the play was within established

Most blasphemous of all (at least, for hardcore competitive Smash fans), the matches would have items and Smash Balls turned on, which could potentially provide some players with big advantages if they were simply enough to scoop up a powerful item or ultimate attack before their opponent.”

“and that prejudice is also frequently extended to stuff like ritalin and antidepressants and even hormone replacement therapy and holy shit dude

I mean there only so much that can change. Sure it can go from bad to mediocre, but is that really worth your continued time and money investment? Likely EA as a publisher will chalk this IP up as loss before the game gets to become much better. Theyll do what they always do, throw in a bunch of outrageously priced

I’m impressed by the Lego one

It’s related to the “I’m just asking questions” response where someone says something terrible but frames it as a question to cover themselves.

Gene from marketing just fainted dead away. He's still smiling, and his erection is visible all the way down in Accounts Payable.

The future is yours...if you can count!

Can you dig it? Can you dig it?

QQ more Ethan.

That’s a lot of money just to play Wii Sports.

In case of mountain lion attack:

I went grocery shopping, worked on a project for work, watched some Anime, then went to bed.

If, On The Other Hand, You’ve Been Waiting All These Years To See Bobby Hurley Eat Some Shit Off A Basketball Court, Congratulations, You Forgot That His NBA Career Was Derailed Nineteen Games Into His Rookie Year When He Got T-Boned While Not Wearing His Seat Belt And Was Thrown From His Vehicle In The Crash,

And no Christmas Specials.  Only Festivus.  Complete with feats of strength and airing of grievances.

Japan seems to inadvertently do similar things with English


Taco Bell will pay for it!

Every time I visit them they taunt me and gang up on me in whatever board or card games we play. It is constant. I introduced my ladyfriend to them and the niece straight up says to her “I’m going to beat you in [board game].” They will not relent and I’ll be damned if I’m going to roll over.