You know who would have been perfect for the voice of Mario?
You know who would have been perfect for the voice of Mario?
Final Fantasy 14 would like a word with you.
Emilia Clarke also spoke about her experience shooting sex scenes for the book
Perhaps you can spend some quality time with the deceased woman’s family. Children love grinning.
On the other hand, if G/O Media engaged in a little more NICKEL-and-diming, they could maybe afford some editors.
Personally, I am all for console customization. As a mechanical keyboard and sneaker liker, I cannot help but like cool color-ways and unnecessary personalization. Console accessories, and custom controllers, have always existed in a strange, occasionally cracked down upon space but I’ve never seen anything quite as…
Congrats, you managed to write a 383 word summary of a 7 word update. Did you lose bet or something?
I think the problem lies in the zeitgeist of it all really. The concept of a “live service” game inherently flawed, because it’s suggest that a single game could sustain itself forever. Which is impossible in an industry focused on profit and growth. Cause regardless of how good a game is, interest will always…
Isn’t just about everyone “much better than Adam Carolla,” though?
Someone who currently don’t have a ps5 but is planning to buy one. by buying the $80 you get both version so when you do get a ps5 you are good to ngo. If you only get a the $60 ps4 version, they have confirmed that there is no upgrade path to get the ps5 verison, which mean you will have to buy the ps5 version at…
They actually fixed that, so it is not necessary. Ghost of Tsushima supports transferring saves directly. Of course, the game has to support it, but I am sure first party Sony games will.
It’s more of a weird tonal and contextual thing. When someone writes a post about the expansion for a mostly-lauded game and they’re like “well, like the base game, it’s just fine” (paraphrasing), it’s a bit jarring. Since now we’re referring to the quality of the base game in absolute terms, it takes a moment to…
I put together an absolute fuckton of Gunpla and I panel line and apply decals. I could NEVER paint one to look this good and I doubt you could either. So in closing, shut the fuck up.
Here’s an idea...walk out, and then keep walking.
Get in your car, go home, polish up that resume, and go find new work at a company that hopefully won’t subject you to this kind of bullshit on a daily basis.
One of them was called “gay chicken” where “the first man to grab the others’ junk won,”
Likely the whole sentence was We keep it a secret
Considering his seating position, I think this is low-key suggestive of exactly that. The marketing team said, “How can we show someone playing Switch on the toilet without showing them playing Switch on the toilet?”