I mean I vaguely remember playing these as a kid, but I def remember Fabio with what looked like Conan the Barbarian’s sword.
I mean I vaguely remember playing these as a kid, but I def remember Fabio with what looked like Conan the Barbarian’s sword.
I didn’t even notice the moves in the new one to be honest, this is one of those games I kept playing because the music was sooo good, this and this other Capcom game called King of Dragons
I was always a Nintendo guy, I really disliked the batarang shaped controllers on the Genesis so this are all new to me, the only game that I can remember sounding anything like this on the Snes is “Ninja Warriors”
Out of the greys my friend.
I had no idea the Genesis could sound like this...
I would just like to say that this has quickly become the main reason for me to keep coming back to Kotaku every morning.
Jesus Christ it’s been ages since I’ve listened to Vomitron
I remember playing DD with my older brothers when I was a kid way back in the day, I don’t remember really liking it that much, I just remember that Abobo looked so much like one of our neighbors, but I’ll be damned if I didn’t know every god damn song in that game by heart. This and Megaman music is the reason I…
LMAO Hippies!
When I was a kid, for some reason I associated this game with the movie Xanadu so I never picked it up because who wants to play a game about a musical right?
damn that one hurt...
What she said!, there’s also a couple Castlevania selection cd’s, but I gotta say, if you’re gonna do castlevania look for “Unchosen Paths” on YT.
These are great!
Spent the weekend taking care of my 2 month old, the dude’s practically a vampire, sleeps all day, is awake all night, managed to sneak in a couple MHW:Iceborne quests in between bottles so it’s all good.. on my 3rd cup of coffee right now cus I still need to work..
I was wondering if you would bring up the arrangement from Konami’s perfect selection series.
Fall Guys for free!?
I kept debating if I should say something about this or not.
I’ve been reading kotaku reviews for a couple years now, and I gotta say, this is by far the best review I’ve read here, so much so that I’m getting this game as soon as I can, when I had literally no desire to play it before I read this.
Jim Carrey coming out of a plastic rhino’s asshole is comedy gold.