Holy shit! I thought I was the only one that remembered Shogo.
Holy shit! I thought I was the only one that remembered Shogo.
was thinking the same thing dude
you forgot to mention waterfall eyes because you’re so focused on the damn game you forget to blink.
Did Control get any marketing before it’s release? I don’t remember hearin or reading anything about it before it was released, then everyone was talking about it, I thought it was one of those games that’s sorta good but it seems like it’s actually reeeeally good.
I was under the impression this was already out on switch, I was thinking of buying one just to play this.
There are some stories that are difficult to portray on a different medium other than a video game, take Chrono Trigger for example, A time traveling story where the main goal is to destroy an entetity that is present in all time, you also have a frog guy and a vampire looking dude.
you’re getting this wrong, first of all I want to make it clear that I’m not shitting on the game, second, I just said I wouldn’t buy it, I can still play it.
I have a 5 year old that’s just starting to learn a bunch of things on his own, I try to get him to try things first alone and only help him whenever he’s gone through every option he can think of, so this game is really touching a lot of recent keypoints with me, all the more reason why I wouldn’t buy a spoiled game…
I wouldn’t fork out the 50--60$ for it but that doesn’t mean I won’t play it sooner or later.
I know, I’m amazed I actually survived that for so long.
just to be clear, I’m not shitting on the game...
Ok so this might come off as a stupid reason but hear me out, these days were most games use the “live-service” idea or are full on online multiplayer, having these kind of games spoiled is a good reason for me to skip it mainly because I’m paying X amount of dollars to play through a story and I want to be kept in…
as someone who managed to not get God of War spoiled since it came out, just bought it on friday, this has to be a massive pissed off moment, I watched and was like, I guess I’m not buying this one..
I’m not too sure I’d bone someone after having to wait in line LOL
so what are the two things!?
Sorry Elan Sleazebaggano sounds much much better.
So what you’re saying is the game has some replayability to it.
I’m already playing Saint Seiya: Awakening so having two gatcha games is a bit of an overkill but just based on that awesome song i might try it out.
My wife..
I was just checking this out last night, I was on board to buy it back in August but it was only released in Europe?? anyway I forgot all about it until last night, def one of the best Snes games to ever come out, along with Wild Guns.