

I’m not a huge fan of him, but I’ve grown to an age where I can say something is good even if I dislike it, I think the only reason why the MGS games retained a bit of coherence is because of Konami butting in, that’s also the reason why I’m buying DS, I kind of want to see how batshit crazy this guy can get without

I don’t understand anythiiiiiiiiing! LOL

I have no beef in this whole gendered class shit, I just like people getting owned and you sir are an owner, congrats.

Ok I get it, my only question is, if I don’t buy OW2 will OW1 still get a visual upgrade or will it just look the same?

I’d love to see The Takeout start asking celebrities is a hotdog a sport?

I wish I could give you more stars

I remember playing Day of Reckoning and thinking why Nintendo kept having good wrestling games and Sony kept having ice skating mannequins for wrestlers, I’m not sure where the decline came in, I just remember the ps2 games feeling really weird and kind of bland.

A couple friends of mine and I basically “deleted” every wrestler just so we could have more created character slots, we had teachers, Ex girlfriends, people we liked and hated, even our parents in there, we would get together every saturday, buy a couple pizzas and do first blood AI tournaments just to see who would

There hasn’t been a good wrestling game since WWF: No Mercy on the N64, at least then the blocky gfx were justified. If AEW can manage to actually get the AKI engine for their game the WWE would not only have competition on TV but also for their shitty games.

Go watch RedLetterMedia instead.

there goes my second kidney

We need more Haikyu! in these lists...


I once had a US customs officer tell me my wife was probably having an affair with someone in the U.S. because she crosses over so much... my wife was sitting next to me in the car...

wait a minute, RDR2 is two discs!? I should stop buying digital...

wait a minute.... two discs?????? holy shit we’re back to the days of FFVII having 13 discs for a single game

If I remember correctly, in the first teaser they almost made it seem like Joel was kind of a ghost, with Ellie just playing guitar and you kinda see Joel’s silhouette in the house, and she’s all like Imma murder all these fuckers.

I’m sure he’s only doing it because it was Iwata’s last request to him before he passed. But your comment is correct in him being insane.