
came here to check if someone else had picked up on that.

I imagine you can just switch them out? although these look bigger than most, it might be the angle of the pictures.

What an asshole!

Great article Ian, keep up the good work, hope to see more od these

LOL I like how everyone is getting butthurt over bangalore’s voiceline.

Jesus christ, how do I get this out of my head?

I will follow her to the end of the earth.

listen... forget about Wraith’s skin... that Kraber skin is legiiiiiiiiiiiiit

Untitled Goose Game better be called Asshole Goose.

Hey man, this videos just made my day. I will def be checking your videos out, keep it up!

Great article, KoF has always been huge here in Mexico, I’m glad someone actually took a dive into this, also you won my respect when you used the term “Las Retas”, basically everytime you went into an arcade you would ask, “Hay retas?” and then queue your coin on the little screen ledge.

LOL I used to go down to Veracruz to visit my dad’s family when I was a kid, they lived in this super small town called Tilapan, hogs sleeping on the side of the road, old railroad tracks, not a single paved road, but I’ll be damned if the local drugstore didn’t have “La Kino” on all day long..

I bet this is a marketing stunt for that new Fire Force anime.

you don’t, you can live in the box they’ll ship it in.

They don’t have Slurpees here in Mexico, at least not where I live, but we do have Icee’s which are pretty much the same, they’re mostly cherry or berry but sometimes... they’ll do mango.. I’ll fill up one of those suckers and throw some Chamoy in it as soon as I get home(the store is like half a block away from my

I told you I rode that rollercoaster back in 1993!

lol well i was talking about his actual phone not the switch, I actually measured my phone’s screen after I posted that and it’s exactly 5.5' so it actually seems kind of small

I was looking forward to this since having to buy a switch, memory card, a game and the subscription would set you back at around.... calculating.... $394.96(base console, prices taken from Best Buy) which seems kind of steep, but looking at the Switch lite, not having the dock option, or detachable joycons.... I’m

that’s a big phone....

wait a minute..... when did they add a M1 Garand to fortnite?? that just might make me come back to it...