Myrna Loy's Side-Eye

I’ve been curious about how he does that 180-degree turn myself. I think it probably has to do with: A) he created Ultron and feels bad about it. B) Winter Soldier tries to kill him and he’s pissed about it.

If you think that's funny, you should see Trump try and palm a basketball.

I don't believe that somebody would willingly fuck Cruz, even for money.

I will forgo birthday presents this year if this is true. But as you say, Anon...I’m still waiting for them to shut down ISIS.

I actually thought that Civil War was probably the least confusing of recent Marvel events. It was just... sprawling. If you kept to the main story, it was pretty concise.

Agreed. I was heavily invested in Brubakers’s Captain America run at the time. Still view it and Civil War as a high point in Marvel comics. I wouldn’t even call it “deeply confusing”, especially when compared to Marvel’s other “event” comics.

That moment when you realize that possibly the POTUS could have starred on WWE and reality tv is quite sobering

yeah it’s just a bunch of fake moves, and then the Stunner, which is real. i don’t get it either

There isn’t enough Busch Light in the world to make me understand what people get out of watching wrestling.

I love Frasier, but everything I have heard about Grammer in recent years, makes me hate him.

An actress friend of mine was fired after Kelsey Grammer didn’t think she seemed excited to meet him.

Affluence is a terrible affliction. The struggle is real!

The timeline changed when someone swapped him out with Benedict Cumberbatch.

Sorry Tom, but some of us have jobs and can't always afford the time to read a full report. Instead, we depend on the article (like the one you wrote) to provide us with information so that we can make informed comments rather than spouting off like a dumb ass.

Matthew Yglesias is a sociopath.

haha you linked to Matthew Yglesias saying that people dying was fine. Good work, yeah he is totally left leaning.

You're being way too generous by assuming free will. Honestly, just read through the entire ITUC report. A lot of the workers who arrive in Qatar do so expecting to get good jobs and live in nice places, because that's what the recruiters tell them will be there, only to get their passports seized before getting

They desperately need the money, yet many of them aren't being paid for their labor. That is slavery.

Everyone knows slave labor is pretty bad. What this comment presupposes is... maybe it isn't.