can i get this in audiobook format?
can i get this in audiobook format?
Great novel. Would read again.
I can’t tell you how relieved I am that the video didn’t spend four minutes describing the technique. Thanks for posting.
No. If you’re a lady who legitimately does just want hookups, it is amazing how quickly half those dudes turn emotional on you, get clingy, want to be jealous of the other guys you’re fucking and can’t handle it. It’s the mere fact that you are the one saying committment isn’t allowed that suddenly makes them do…
Well, at least we’ll all get blown.
brb, my eyeballs seemed to have rolled straight out of my head. Need to go find them now.
It makes me think of the crease under my boobs. In the summer they are like two extra armpits.
As a mom, I can tell you that you have probably adjusted to the smell, to some extent, but, also, your own children’s poop is usually not as offensive to you as it is to other people. Please bag it up. Even a little smell is annoying.
This is an outright lie. It may not smell to you, but your kid’s shit stinks, Momma.
If you close up the diaper around the shit and use the tabs to secure it, the smell is minimal. Definitely no worse than what a public bathroom would smell like if someone else took a shit in the toilet.
The story is that Jenner is, by a massive margin, the most well-known and visible individual ever to publicly declare being of a different gender than what the world has always seen and known. The story gets attention because nothing like this has ever happened before. Up until very recently, there was a very…
She’s not a different person. When someone changes their name, for example for marriage OR for a transition, that does not negate their prior accomplishments. I’d be really pissed if anyone said that because I got my undergrad degree before I was married, it doesn’t count anymore.
No, it shouldn’t. I was able to talk to my dad about transgender people this weekend because of Caitlyn and that would not have happened if she wasn’t still in the public eye. This isn’t about sensationalism, it’s about education and helping extremely vulnerable people be more accepted in our hateful society.
15 minutes? Da fuq? Hugely popular and successful athlete underwent a major life change and is now helping others deal with questions?
I was so impressed by her. She was so honest about the confusion and grief and her questions, but it was clear she is doing her best to be loving and supportive.
She’s an Olympic gold medalist and was on the Wheaties box forever, this isn’t her “15 minutes”
I did have a couple of embarrassing GeoCities sites! One was devoted to making logos for punk bands for free. That’s silly but not too bad. The other one, though... It was a sailor Moon fan site :C
For the millionth time in my life, I’m thankful that social media didn’t exist when I was a 13-year-old writing melodramatic poetry, usually about some kid in 2nd period biology whose name I wouldn’t even remember now. Goddddddddd