Julio Diaz

Nailed it!

And somehow, someone's going to find a way to blame Joss Whedon and his alleged philandering for it.

Fair enough. Nobody's perfect. Not sorry I missed that, but clearly, I did. :)

Goes to show that nobody knows everything. Thanks for the info.

Some of it, yes. Especially the bands that got on the radio, but also, the Toasters had a song that was used as the theme for a Nickelodeon show, and the Aquabats eventually HAD their own kids' show (and the leader of the band also created "Yo Gabba Gabba").

Yup. And in this time period, there are some definite points of crossover between the two.

I suppose that's not impossible. But I will say this: You would be hard-pressed to find someone in '97 who was more versed in ska than me unless they were actually IN a band, and I never heard of them until they were "Zoot Suit Riot"-ing it up. I can't even think of a comp that they'd have been on.

Why does nobody in this article seem to know what third-wave ska is and when it started/came from?

Their verde sauce piled on a taquito is to die for.

This article fails in the lack of sauces from Whataburger, the all-time king of fast food sauces.

I dunno, looks like an Alex Ross painting turned into a photo — which kind of fits the tenor of these movies.

I'm probably pretty close to that, but I'm from Florida, so…

I think I've seen him in nearly every possible iteration:

Spoiler: They aren't actually British, though they claim they're from Sheffield. They're all from the New Orleans area. Talk to them off stage and the Brit accents swiftly turn NOLA.

Excluding local bands, I'm well into double digits on They Might Be Giants shows, so I'm pretty sure they top the list.

1. Baby Driver.
2. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.
3. Shaun of the Dead.
4. The World's End.
5. Hot Fuzz.

"Get Out," "Baby Driver" and "Logan" are probably my Top 3 of the year so far — not sure of the order until I watch "Get Out" again, but as of right now, I'd put it in that order. "Split" is definitely in my Top 10. Lots here that hasn't played my town, but that's to be expected.

In fairness, Oliver specifically said he WASN'T going to call Murray "a geriatric Dr. Evil."

I disagree with his premise that it's generic. I'm not saying it's flawless. But I am saying it's one of the best of 2017 so far.

I've just come from seeing "Wonder Woman" and the AV Club's score is off by a full letter grade. It's a truly superior example of the genre and deserves to be mentioned in the same breath with Donner's two Superman films, Burton's two Batman films and Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy.