Julio Diaz

Come again?

Come on, guys. They were more than just "Pac-Man Fever." They were writing songs about Donkey Kong before it became all mainstream.…

I want this more than I want Gilliam to finish that damn Don Quixote movie.

Hollywood exec: "Get me Buckner & Garcia!"


OK, that's fair. Sixty to 70 percent of America and most of the rest of the world isn't "the whole world," just an overwhelming majority.

It's my firm belief that Cat knows — and has always known — that Kara is Supergirl, and that she indulges the charade because she believes it's what Kara needs. I was really waiting for that reveal last night, actually.

Gotta believe he switches to the classic blue and gold Guardian look next season. They've offered too many reasons this season for him NOT to ditch the current suit.

All I'm saying is throw a wig on Katy Perry and they could still pass for sisters. And I don't mean Emily Deschanel.

While I won't claim encyclopedic knowledge of the many and varied looks sported by Ms. Deschanel, I don't believe I've ever spied her with a pixie cut. Obviously, she was blonde in "Elf," but that 'do reached her shoulders.

Clearly, nobody on television has ever worn a wig before.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of shit human beings who have created great art. Exhibit A: Roman Polanski.

Clearly you never saw Surfer Blood.

If you do that and then request a refund from the label, does that still help support The A.V. Club? Asking for a friend.

And here I thought it'd be impossible to find worse ownership than Jann Wenner. Truly, we live in an age of miracles.

Aside from budget/character overload, is there really a good reason why when Barry came calling for alien help, Kara didn't say, "hey, I have some friends that would come in handy, not to mention my cousin…"? Superman, J'onn and Mon-El would've been great additions to the war effort.

Superman movie ranking:

Two best lines both involved Kara:

Can? Yep.

Or, I guess, if 10 more white dudes who run Fortune 500 companies came out as gay.